An unexpected turn of events...

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I do not own the above picture but that's how I imagine the scene.

We arrived house? The courtyard started filling up with people and the pool area was decorated with lights in fact my whole house was decorated and there was music playing and a small stage with a mic and some chairs surrounding it. Just then Obito walked up the stage taking the mic.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my little cousins graduation party! I am your host Obito Uchiha and this evening we will party up a storm let me hear you gang!" He said as all of my friends screamed clapping in unison.

Shisui's POV

I knew that for this party I had to get on the planning roster. So I could spy on Y/N's plans because she isn't the only one with plans... I walked past the stage as Obito nodded at me indicating it was time. I walked past Itachi deliberately bumping his shoulder slightly as he nodded at me. Now for phase two, I walked up to Y/N.

"Uh Y/N the catering are setting up on the roof will you please come and assist please...?"

"Sure!" She said as I mentally celebrated taking on the next step.

"The roof is cleared everyone is down and I got the guest entertained...I'm proud of our work..." Obito said quietly to me as I watched Y/N go up the roof with a smile on my face.

"You think she knows anything?" I asked slightly curious.

"She doesn't have a clue! Come on now lets entertain our guests!" Obito said as we walked away proud of our efforts.

Itachi's POV

I waited on the roof in my suit with an orchard in my hand and a pouch in the other. I saw Y/N walk up the stairs looking for whatever Shisui lied to her about.

"Uh Shisui! Where is everybody?" She said softly to her self confused.


I walked around the roof but no one was here. I ended up bumping into something as I turned around.

"Oh Itachi thank god!- Wait what are you doing here and where is the catering?"

"Y/N the catering is downstairs...they just arrived."

"Oh thank god! but then why are you here?" I asked confused by he's calm behavior.

"Y/N this very roof is where we first kissed remeber...?"

"Yeah how could I not?"

"It started a great relationship, I fell in love with a strong, independent, beautiful woman."

"Itachi I-"

"A woman who was willing to do so much so I could finish my studies and do well."

"Thank you Ita-"

"You know I made a promise to myself, when I finished my studies...Do you know what I planned to do?"

"Uh get a job...?" I said confused as to why he was telling me this, he just chuckled looking at some...pouch?

"I already got that I start in two weeks...but that's not the promise."


"I made myself a promise that that woman who helped me...I would marry her." My jaw probably dropped when he said that as he slowly got down on one knee, pulling a box out of the pouch. He then opened the box revealing a diamond engagement ring surrounded by two rings of Sapphires.

"Y/N LN, Will you give me the honor of making you my wife, will you marry me and make me your husband?" He said...His voice was calm and steady, completely devoid of hesitation. He sounded brought tears to my eyes as I kneeled on the floor next to him hugging him as the tears fell freely.

"You can ask me the question a hundred times over Itachi and my answer will always be yes..." I said holding him like he moment I let go he'd disappear.

"I love you so much!" I said as he pulled away from the hug and rested his forehead against mine lifting my left hand up as he slipped the ring on.

"I love you so much more!" He replied he pressed his warm soft lips to mine.

After we both pulled away he handed me the orchard as I smiled taking it before kissing him again. We both headed back to the party hand in hand as Shisui and Obito walked over to us.

"I take it, it went well!" Shisui said smirking mischievously.

"Yeah after you sent me on the roof like an idiot." I said sarcastically

"Desperate means call for desperate measures..." Shisui said nudging Obito as Obito shook his head.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You asked us to keep everyone busy...that also meant the caterers right? So I sent Obito to flirt with the manager and now he has a date next Friday." Shisui said mockingly as Obito just frowned.

"Obito!" I said calling him as he looked up. "I'll talk to her..." I continued as his eyes lit up.

"You will?!"

"Yes now go and continue hosting this party!"

We all walked to the center of the party and the buffet was set up, music was playing and Obito was back to normal...well as normal as he can be when not at work."

Itachi and I both walked to the music and started dancing together.

"My first dance with my Fiancé..." He said smirking as I laughed.

The rest of the night went beautifully and we all partied enjoying the music and food while socializing and no one seemed to notice the new accessory yet...

A/N - Y/N and Itachi sitting in the tree *mouth gets blocked by Y/N but manages to break free* K-I-S-S-I-N-G !

ALSOOOO....Today is the 10th of FEB... Obito's Birthday!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤ My gift to him is all this...screen? time...line time...word time...Idk. Is Tobi a good boy?

 Is Tobi a good boy?

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