More the merrier~

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I don't own the picture above but yeah those are your hot cousins again...(I need their numbers for indemnity purposes...hehe...)

I was setting up the table while Itachi was cooking and I had just set up the plates. Naruto was in his room watching tv and I was just waiting for the guests to arrive.

"So Sasuke's gonna be hanging out with Shisui huh?"

"Yeah I would have brought him over but looks like Mom's having her own party."

"Haha! Yeah."

*ding ding*

The apartment bell made a noise as I picked up the phone telling Kankuro who had just arrived that I would open up for him. I pressed the gate button allowing him in as I walked to the door. Eventually Kankuro showed up with both his siblings next to him and I hugged Gaara first again.

"Geez I have no chance anymore do I?"

"Get over it Krankykuro! Gaara is a lady magnet."

"That's the problem Y/N I actually tried the, I am a single dad raising this kid who looks just like his mom."


"My dad shows up and I then got wine thrown on me and the chick called me a fraud."

"Wow I knew you were a flirt but I didn't know you were a bad one..."

"What the-"

"You really suck Krankykuro."

"Says you!"

"I'm taken."

"So what if I'm single...I sleep around! You name it the left side of the bed, right side, upside down!"

"That was a good one I'll hand that to you."

"Anyways what time are your cousins going to be here?"

"You're just excited to see Dabi because you replaced me with him as your new bestie."

"Shut up you will always be my favorite revolting piece of trash."

"And you will always be my favorite ugly cranky old sock covered in toad slime."

"I am actually going to cry with all you wholesome words."

"You make my heart want to burst and melt at the same time from all the love."

"I swear both of you are insane..." Itachi said from the kitchen shaking his head. The bell rang again as Itachi got up saying he'd get it this time. Shoto walked in with Dabi, Natsuo and Fuyumi. Gaara turned from talking to Naruto to staring right at Shoto as he waved smiling at the little boy before walking over patting him on his head.

"Hello there."

"Hello." Gaara said smiling at Shoto as Shoto smiled back as he started talking with the two boys.

"Guys Shoto is 19 and goes straight to the kids." Dabi said rolling his eyes playfully.

"I swear it's adorable." I said smiling at the three sitting on the other couch laughing.

"So dear little cousin...wanna celebrate tonight since in a few weeks we will be in a resort getting ready for you to sail into marital bliss." Dabi said sitting down with a bottle of wine as the metal bracelets on his wrists jingled.

"Is it just me or does Dabi look like a rockstar after work hours." I asked curiously as he rolled his eyes.

"Eyeliner, check
Metal bracelets, check
Leather jacket, check
Spikey hair, check
Combat boots, check" Fuyumi said sarcastically.

"Now he just needs groupees..." Kankuro added.

"I'm not one of those guys...have a random woman knock her up and leave." Dabi added pouring his wine. "The least I can do is be a better dad than mine."

"I second that!" Shoto said turning to us.

"Oh look the baby joined the conversation." Natsuo said smirking.

(The above pic is Natsuo for those who don't know) 

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(The above pic is Natsuo for those who don't know) 

"Lord have mercy on my siblings." Dabi said sarcastically as Fuyumi bonked him on the head.

"Guys can we just get to eating I'm starving!" I said over exaggerating.

"Fine my poor little cousin needs some food it's okay I forgive you." Dabi said smirking.

Everyone took a seat as Itachi brought the food to the table. Everyone started to eat as they froze.

"This is amazing!" Gaara said happily as everyone agreed savouring the amazing food.

"Itachi, Itachi, Itachi..." Dabi started off. "If I were earlier I would've asked to marry you based on your cooking alone but my little cousin had to sweep in and take you didn't she."

"My mane isn't even in the question." Itachi said playing along.

"It isn't even! I mean anyone would die for hair like that." 

"I guess we are star crossed lovers." Itachi said sipping his wine.

"You may as well call me Juliet." Dabi said shaking his head dramatically. 

"I guess I just have to settle for Y/N."

"And I'll have to settle for a groupee, and I'm not even in a rock band..."

"It just wasn't meant to be." Kankuro added solemnly.

"Oh Shut up all of you." I said giggling as I threw the dish cloth at Dabi causing him to start chucking. 

Eventually we all ate and went back to sitting around chatting and then we decided to go out on the balcony to have some dessert and see the city view at night. Afterwards we all said our goodbyes as I headed to bed and Itachi did the same putting off the lights as we tucked Naruto in. Heading to our room. 

"I am so tired." Itachi said getting under the covers as he tied his hair in a messy high pony.

"I don't think I've ever seen your hair like that." I said laughing causing him to laugh as well as I layer on his arm to which he pulled me closer putting the light off.

"Aren't you a few weeks we'll be married." He said looking at the ceiling as I smiled watching the moon illuminate his sharp features. 

"I am." I smiled kissing his cheek watching him turn to me as we both snuggled closer slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.

"I love you more everyday." He said silently. 

"I love you for more than forever..." I said with a small smile on my face.

(These three chapters hopefully make up for me being irregular with updates lately life has been really busy. Love you all, Ciao ❤️✌️)

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now