Bye for now...

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Don't own the above picture...

I added the final touch to my outfit as I neatly placed a big black sun hat on my head with big boujee sunglasses as I gave myself a once over in the mirror with my cute sundress and sandals. It was finally the day to leave for Yugakure and everyone was packed up. My family, Itachi's family and both of our friends were all headed to the resort. It was hard to believe that a month from now was the wedding because it felt like just yesterday a man came to my house asking for an old lady or that just yesterday we sat under the stars being drawn not to the vastness of space but the endless pools of love in our eyes. Something about our love felt poetic and unreal. I was never one to believe in destiny but the way our lives panned out it was almost like we were indeed meant to be. Now on hind sight I realise that regardless of whether I met Sasuke or not I would have still met Itachi it would have just taken longer for this to happen. So I am grateful...grateful that we got the easier route. In fact we  may have met again due to Sasori being his friend and then slowly gotten close not being able to meet because of two kids and having to learn more about each other in a shorter space of time. So ultimately we had the lucky card drawn. 

I get into the car, the passenger seat this time because the driver was none other than Sasori and Naruto had the back seat. 

"Wow looking like a real beast today Sasori!" I said giggling at his unusual style. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows arm veins in full display with his sunglasses on and his watch exposed added to the messy red hair.

"Don't trouble me brat." His deep voice rasped.

"What?! Thought we should phone the traffic police  for all the women that are going to crash their car after seeing you." I added laughing even more as he cracked a small smile. 

"You can be so mischievous." 

"I take pride in that." 

"I'll call Itachi."

"Wow you're using the fiancé  as a threat must mean I'm dangerous." 

"He can spank you."

"Oh I don't think you would like to watch that...I mean unless you're into that kind of thing."

"Who corrupted your mind Y/N."

"I would say Kankuro but honestly you have no idea about Itachi sometimes." 

"I don't even want to know..."

"Trust me it's better that way..." I added laughing as Sasori let out a chuckle.

We finally got into the car and headed to the gates of Konoha finally leaving the busy city to the tranquil tourist attraction. Itachi was heading there with Shisui (Autocorrected to 'Shippuden') and Obito. While Sasuke went with his parents and all the others made their own arrangements. It was going to be a long drive so we were all prepared for switching drivers. 

Obito's POV

"Never have I ever gone to a strip club." Shisui said putting a finger down.

"Excuse me why would you bring that up like your proud!" I added in defence putting a finger down. "We were both lost and thought it was a haunted house." 

"You idiot don't tell people that." Shisui said rolling his eyes

"You idiots went to a strip club! Remind me never to hang out with both of you again I mean how does half naked people dancing seem like a haunted house?"

"There were weird lights and some people were screaming it was weird so we walked in and almost immediately walked out." Shisui said laughing.

"Fine, my turn." Itachi stated. "Never have I ever hit my best friend with a baseball bad in the head and caused him a minor concussion."

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