We know how to party~ Part: 2

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A/N (IMPORTANT): There is an OC however knowing how much you want it to be you Author-chan made it you however you go by the name Azure as a stage name. And a clarification Azure is not Y/N they are two people with no relation however they are both played by you.

Itachi's POV

I was just relaxing because later on was my bachelor party so I decided to spend the day with Naruto, Sasuke and Y/N as we sat on the picnic blanket eating our sandwiches as we all laughed.

"And then Pervy Gramps was telling Kakashi-sensei about the new book so he had to leave...I wonder what that book is about?" Naruto asked aloud as Y/N giggled making my eyes widen at her as she shook her head frantically making me side eye her as she laughed poking my side.

"It's about the anatomy of a sea urchin Naruto."

"Why the hell would Kakashi-sensei read that sounds boring." (Itachi- Boom Bow that's how you fix that!)

"Well you know how Jiraiya likes toad anatomy, Kakashi probably likes Sea Urchins."

"They are weird~" Naruto said making a cute disgustedface as I giggled patting his head.

"Yeah sure are. So you guys wanna do anything later you know Itachi will be busy?"

"Yeah sure wanna watch movies?"

"Yeah sure I'm not busy." Sasuke said shrugging.

"Well count me in!" Naruto shouted with a grin.

"See I go out for one day without you'll and you'll already start abandoning me." I said with mocking tone as they burst out laughing.

"Getting jealous huh big brother?" Sasuke asked smirking.

"You better watch it Sasuke I'll hide all your tomatoes then you will see." I said with a serious tone holding back a smile as he looked at me in disbelief.

"You even try I will learn all those ninja moves and defeat you, you know Y/N has been watching the anime with us so I'm fully versed in the signs for a fireball Jutsu."

"Oh are you now? Because last I remembered I knew the signs for a fireball jutsu too and so much more I bet I could use Amaterasu too."

"Oh whatever."

"Oh please you both act like you could actually take me on I have a quirk, sage mode and super Saiyan, cursed energy and I can kill titans please children don't talk." Y/N said as we both chuckled.

"SMH!" I said as she looked at me accusingly.

"I can even use the visual prowesses Mister!"

"Fine you win!" I said with fake anger as she laughed.


I was in my room putting on my tie as Y/N walked in in her sweater with sneakers and sweatpants as I pulled her into a hug making her giggle as I kiss her.

"Looking suave Mister!" She said giving me a once over as I smirked.

"Thank you love." I said giving her a wink as she giggled playfully smacking my arm.

Eventually I was ready as I headed to see Obito and Shisui walking over in their suits as we headed over to the cars, this is no a usual Bachelor party this is a Bachelor party Uchiha style and other than all my friends this party consists of Madara, Indra, Izuna, Shisui, Obito and my father.

Eventually I was ready as I headed to see Obito and Shisui walking over in their suits as we headed over to the cars, this is no a usual Bachelor party this is a Bachelor party Uchiha style and other than all my friends this party consists of Mada...

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