Man of honor...

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It was time to head back to Konoha. I had invited my aunt, uncle and cousins to my Engagement. Itachi, Kakuzu, Zetsu and I all headed back to get ready for the meeting that was going to be a fancy dinner at a college. 


When we arrived I immediately collapsed on the bed exhausted from the drive back. I headed to the shower and then straight to Obito's place. We were going to go shopping on the Saturday but for now I had to pick Naruto up. 

"You're early...wasn't expecting you till around six..." Obito said sitting down on the couch in a pair of baggy sweatpants and a T-shirt. 

"We seemed to get things done faster than expected."

"Not surprised!" Obito said with a chuckle. As Naruto and Sasuke ran down the stairs excitedly jumping into a hug. "Why don't you stay over for dinner? Itachi will be here in a while to pick up Sasuke and we can ask him to join also I can call Shisui."

"That actually sounds like a good idea." I said laughing.

"Great! wanna help me cook?" 

"Sure!" I said as Obito and I headed to the kitchen.

Obito's POV

I thought it would be a great idea to mention all of the boutiques I found on the internet. 

"While you were gone I had spend a lot of time googling boutiques for your engagement..."

"Really?" Y/N asked shocked.

"Yeah...I found quite a few in Konoha but if you feel like looking elsewhere that's okay I'll check for more places."

"Wow! You are so dedicated to helping...thanks a lot!"

"It's really no problem...besides I really like weddings, the atmosphere and celebration...I can't wait for you two to get married!" Obito said with a delightful grin.

"I-I uh okay." I said getting slightly flustered thinking about marrying the man of my dreams.

"It's going to be a night to remember." Obito said looking up like he was imagining Hollywood or something.

"You know what?..." I started..."When I get married...Sasori would probably walk me down the isle...and I don't have any friends who are girls that are that close to me...will Man of honor...?" I said slowly.

"You mean it?!" Obito said with excitement that could rival a child.

"Of course!" I said feeling more excited as Obito looked totally over the moon. 

"I would love to!" He finally said regaining his composure. 

Just then the door opened revealing a man with bangs framing his face and a long ponytail, with a leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots. I immediately got pushed behind the wall as Obito put his finger to his lips as if telling me to stay quiet. I quickly caught on hiding behind the wall as Obito faked surprise as if he just saw Itachi. 

"Oh Itachi! Come here I'm in the kitchen." He said as Itachi looked at him walking into the kitchen as I tried not to smile. Just as Itachi walked in he sniffed and I thought maybe he was going to sneeze but he didn't. I creeped behind him and jumped hugging him from the back getting no reaction what so ever. 

"Hello Y/N..." He said smirking as I pouted.

"Why didn't you get scared?!" Obito and I said in unison not masking our disappointment.

"Oh but you two don't have faith in my sense of smell..." Itachi said as Obito and I looked at each other in disappointment. "I could smell your perfume the moment I walked into the kitchen..." Itachi continued as both Obito and I threw our hands in the air frowning.

"The nerve..." I said looking at Obito as he looked back at me shaking his head.

"He didn't even think of our fragile little hearts breaking and couldn't even pretend at least to be scared." Obito continued.

"You know what Obito we will just have to go and join Sasuke...Itachi is to grown up for us!" I said pouting as he nodded crossing his arms.

"Seriously now you two are ditching me?" 

"Yeah! Why don't you go have a few drinks with Grand uncle Indra...they can talk each other to boredom..." Obito said trying not to laugh as Itachi dropped on his knees finally giving in to the act.

"No please don't leave me! I didn't mean to disappoint you both I will try harder to live by the way of the non-boring..." He said mockingly placing his hand over his heart as Obito and I nodded.

"Granted." We both said in unison before we all laughed loudly.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now