I like us better when we're wasted...

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I don't own the above picture.

I woke up...on the pool chair. The most horrific pounding headache. I felt like my head was going to explode. I manage to make it off the pool chair only to find Sasori asleep with a blanket...on the counter and Itachi asleep on the floor next to the sink. I immediately had the urge to vomit. I ran to the bathroom to empty all the liquor out of my system...or what I could...shit how much did I drink last night. I brush my teeth and wash my face and head to the shower...I'm still wearing the dress from last night. After I'm done I head to wake both Sasori and Itachi up and they head to the shower and clean up I can hear them both puking from downstairs. I start making some lopsided pancakes, because of my headache, with some almond and syrup filling and I add a little ice-cream to the mix and they both come down looking exhausted. We all had breakfast in awkward silence till Sasori spoke up. "Okay I know no one wants to address this matter but how much did we drink last night?" "Too much..." Itachi said groaning. "The first five bottles I remember but the rest is a blur..." I said pushing my sunglasses up to block the sunlight. "We really celebrated huh?" Sasori said with a grimace. Itachi nodded his head before holding it in his palms from the pain. I went to cupboard and got three tablets for us. We then finished breakfast and headed to take power naps in an actual bed. I slept in the main bedroom with Itachi, and Sasori slept in one of many guest bedrooms.

Itachi's POV

I can't believe I drank so much I don't think I've ever drank this much. I headed to my side of the bed and collapsed into a deep slumber.

After a few hours...

The sun was almost down and I slowly started waking up. My headache was gone and I felt so much better. Y/N was still asleep so I carefully got up trying not to wake her up. I then headed down stairs to start making dinner. I started with pork and decided it would be a BBQ. I eventually heard someone coming down the steps and then I saw Sasori walking down the steps. "Hey Man you feeling better?" I asked as he chuckled. "Best I could be after downing such a large amount of alcohol." "Have you heard anything from Kisame?" "No last I heard he had to go to London for a conference." "Yeah he's been busy with work he barely meets with us anymore." "True...it feels like we're the only ones around anymore aside from Obito, Shisui and Deidara." "Yeah I guess we got lucky huh?" I said smirking. "Hey just because you met you soulmate, who's from Suna, all the way here in Konoha-" "Hey I'm just saying..." I said as we both started laughing.

I see Y/N walking down the stairs rubbing her eyes like a child. "Hello Aurora!" I said as Y/N cheekily responded "Hello Prince Phillip." She walked into the kitchen. "I woke up because damn it smells like a BBQ in here." Y/N said as I lifted the container lid. "It is a BBQ in here." "Oh. my. god! Let's eat!" She said clapping as she ran to the table getting seated.

After dinner we all headed to the roof so relax as Y/N shot me a knowing look and I just winked in response. "This roof brings back some memories huh?" She said nudging me. We all sat around and had talked till early morning.

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