Chase you down till you love me Pa-Pa-PaParazzi

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Today was the day of the party and Itachi and Sasuke stayed over so we could all get ready together Itachi and I matched both the boys, Sasuke with his dark blue and Naruto with his orange. It was so cute. "You look so stunning!" Itachi said smirking (Yasss Y/N you are and don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise!) "And you look so very handsome!" I said grinning cheekily.

We reached the party and there was extremely loud music playing. We walked to the end of the hall and there was a table surrounded by five men all wearing suits. The first had long spikey black hair, the second had long brown hair, the third had long black hair but it was somewhat spikey at the back yet also in a ponytail and the other two were Obito and Shisui. I guessed that was probably Itachi's relatives. "The one with the really, really long hair is Madara...the one with brown hair is Indra and the one with a ponytail is Izuna." Yup I guessed right... "I see so these are your uncles right." "The two with black hair." He started "The one with brown hair is more of a grandfather-ish relative." "You have got to be kidding me Itachi he looks so young." "Hehe...yeah that's um how we age." I looked at him suspiciously. "Don't even..." I said just then Sasuke and Naruto ran over to a group of kids that were at the other end they sat next to a girl with pink hair. We walked over to the table. "Hello Everyone this is Y/N she is my girlfriend." "My my would you look at the young love." Obito said smirking...he was being surprisingly calm considering how he was the last time I saw him...speak of duality. "Hello to you too Obito." I said smiling. "Wait she met them first...No fair..." The man named Izuna said pouting."Hello Y/N I'm Izuna." "Hello Izuna nice to meet you". "Hello young maiden." Madara said very, very formally. "Hello Sir a pleasure to meet you." "A pleasure to meet you too." He said with a slight nod. "Hello dear." The man Indra said. "Hello sir." "Tell me what do you do for a living." "Oh I am a psychologist." "Oh you can read minds." I looked over at Itachi...what is it with this family and their fear of psychologists. "No Sir I assure you I most definitely cannot." "Please call me Indra and this one here is Madara." "Well I we are going to head for the beverages we'll catch up with you later." Itachi said before guiding me to the food table. "Why did you both think I could read minds?" "This family prides themselves on keeping a very emotionless facade so..." "I I ever get to you..." I said smirking. "There is not need to hide my emotions from you." "Awwwww am I special...I feel special." I said as Itachi playfully rolled his eyes. "Let go and get some food shall we?" "Fine...but I'm not forgetting this." I said grinning cheekily.

We headed over to the table and there was pizzas and I took a can of soda. And sat down next to the food table there was only one kid at that table I guess we both had the same idea. "Hello sweetheart what's your name?" "Um my name is *nom* Choji *nom* Akimichi." "Well aren't you adorable." "Tha-*nom*-nk you." "Itachiii! Can we adopt this one?" "Y/N he has parents." He said as I pouted just then another cute kid with a ponytail like Iruka's walked over. "Hello there Little boy." "Such a drag...Hello lady." "What's a drag?" "Everything." "I feel you I mean live is boring sometimes." "Yeah exactly." "Why don't you have a seat I can bring you some pizza you know going over there would be such a drag." He smirked in response to my suggestion. "Yeah I think it wouldn't be such a drag then." I laughed and headed over getting three slices of pizza for The little boy, Itachi and I. We all sat down and began eating. "You know I love how you're the smartest girl here." Itachi said as I looked at him confused. "You're the only girl who took a seat right next to the food." "Oh thank you so much I was just magnetised." I said as we both laughed. "So what's your name I know it will be a drag and all." The little boy said. "Y/N and yours?" "Shikamaru." "Don't go getting little boys to have a crush on you now I can only compete with so many guys." Itachi whispered as I laughed. "You're crazy Itachi." "I know it's a drag and all but do you want some more pizza." Shikamaru asked as I nodded smiling sweetly. "See next he'll be taking you out to dinner." Itachi said again smirking this time. "Whatever he's just sweet." I said rolling my eyes.

Eventually there was music playing. I felt a tap on my knee and there stood Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto. "Can you dance with us?" They all said in union. "Okay but there's one more person...hold on." I said as I looked for Itachi who was having a conversation with this silver haired man with a mask. "Oh this is Y/N my girlfriend." Itachi said. "Hello I'm Kakashi Hatake I've been told you met my cousin Hidan."(I had to I'm sorry) "Oh yes the haematologist." "Yes well it's wonderful to meet you I've heard a lot about you and I hear you are Mayor Namikaze's son's Psychologist." "Yes I am Itachi also insisted I meet you." "I see I'm glad Naruto has someone he's been so much happier lately especially in my class." "Wait you're his teacher?" "Yeah I think you've met his home room teacher but not me." "Yeah." I said laughing. "Alright I'll see you two around gotta go pic up my cousin he's probably around here somewhere on his eighth bottle." "Okay see you too." Itachi and I said together. We both walked back to the group of kids. "Sorry to keep you three waiting." I said as we all walked to the dance floor I see Sasuke is sitting with Indra...looks like he got bored of the kids. The song playing was Carousel by Melanie Martinez. We were all dancing in a circle and Shikamaru wanted me to carry him because he felt it was too much of a drag to dance. After a while we all sat down exhausted and had some more pizza until everyone started leaving so we headed home I jumped on Itachi's back getting a free piggyback ride. He took off my shoes in the process because my feet were killing me dancing in six inch stilettos while carrying a little boy. Sasuke headed to stay with Madara because he was missing his uncle and Naruto stayed with Iruka because Iruka missed him too. So it was just Itachi and I this weekend. So we were just walking to the car well Itachi was walking I was on his back, my shoes in his one hand and my hand bag in the other. We got in the car and drove home. "Hey pack your bags when we get to your house okay." Itachi said. "Omg are you kidnapping me?! I'm so honoured." "Oh shut up you're spending the weekend...duh!" "I'm so packing a swimming costume!" "*cough* Uh...y-yeah of course."

A/N: Now for my explanation...Tell me they don't look like cousins at least...🤷‍♀️


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