Planning the 'Event of the Year' until new gossip takes its place...

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I do not own this random picture of Sasori before becoming a puppet.


I had to meet with Itachi today, because in a month Mikoto and Fugaku will return for good and they want to have the engagement buy then, but I probably would have went to see him anyway.

"So you're ready to plan an engagement now and a man hunt later?" He asked enthusiastically as I yawned.

"Yes but don't make it a drag..."

"You have been influenced by that kid at Naruto and Sasuke's school."

"You know he is so smart though like the other day he told me that 'laziness is the mother of all bad habits but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her'..."

"That's deep..."


"He's on to something..."

"I know! I can't stop thinking about it."

"Yeah I'm definitely going to be thinking about that one for a while..."

"For sure!" I said as we both burst out laughing.

"So what colour do you want to wear?"

"I'm going with white and rose-gold..."


"Awwww thank you."

"You're welcome. Now venue colour? So example decor etc."

"Um...what do you think?"

"I would go for an off-white to cream..."

"Yes! I love that."

"Flowers? Orchards right...?"

"Of course they are exotic and elegant but I also want some (favorite flower)."

"Of course they are your favorites...any specific colour you want them in?"

"(Favorite colour)."

"Perfect!...Now the drinks?"

"I prefer some Champaign for the older guests and some soda's for the kids."

"I agree...Now I will send this to the planners and then we will have to go shopping for the outfits. The date with be the first Friday after my parents return so we have a month to plan."

"Great! Now lets get ready we got a man to catch!" I said jumping up as Itachi chuckled at my sudden burst of energy.


"So everyone here?" Itachi asked.

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison.

"What are the updates?" He asked looking at Sasori first.

"Deidara helped me on this one and we managed to track Man x to not where he currently is but rather where he will be...This Friday he will be meeting with English business woman Charlotte Paren (made up name >-<) in a sale. Someone will need to undercover as a business couple.

Author's POV

Itachi and Y/N immediately looked at each other before shouting in unison.

"Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha!" They both practically screamed as everyone nodded.

"We have a few days to prepare..." Kisame said looking through some files. "And we're gonna need some weapons...good ones." He finished off giving a toothy grin.

"Sasori can I hold you responsible for that?" Itachi asked.

"Of course...and it is advisable you two go in with two bodyguards'...preferably Hidan and Kisame."


"What did I miss? I received the file and I heard we are gonna kick some ass I just finished work so..."

"Hello Obito we are doing an undercover mission." Itachi stated reading one of the files.

"You could be so much more laid back bro! And Hello Joan of Arc."

"Hello to you too Obito."

"You never change do you." He said as Y/N playfully rolled her eyes.

"Nope." She answered popping the 'p'.

"Well according to this file we meet at the collage in Amegakure am I right?"

"Yes indeed." Itachi answered.

"Well there is a tunnel system that was built there we can rig the place before hand."

"Smart thinking...we will need hidden cameras and microphones too Sasori."

"The tunnels will need to be blasted open so we would need Deidara." Obito added.

"How is it that you know so much about Amwgakure?" Itachi asked with interest.

"I would like to say it was college but it was more of a 'her' situation."

"Hehe! I see..." Itachi said laughing while shaking his head. "You're quite the charmer Obito."

"I like to think so..."

"Well we have two days to prepare after which Yahiko, Nagato, Konan and Deidara will drive out with Hidan to set up the equipment..." Itachi said closing the file.

"Ay Ay captain!" Hidan said mock saluting.

"Y/N and I have some shopping to do and Obito you are coming with us...Sasori, you and Kisame work on the weapons and Kakuzu you're meeting with our new member and intelligence specialist named Zetsu, you will meet him near Suna." Itachi finished off.

"Can we go Itachi?" I asked pouting.

"I guess we can go for a road trip but what about the boys?"

"Iruka will look after Naruto-"

"And I will take Sasuke...and Naruto if you like." Obito said cutting me off.


"Yeah I love spending time with them anyway, it will be fun!" Obito said with a smile.

"Well then we can go to Suna!" I said jumping up in excitement.

"Okay Joan of Arc."

"What's with the new nickname?" I said with a pout.

"Joan of Arc was a woman who led France to victory in a war with England."


"Like you are leading us...a powerful woman."

"Okay...fine Orange Snr."

"What I'm only 27 how did I become senior?"

"Because Naruto is Orange Jnr." I said as he laughed.

"Whatever now let's go shopping."

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now