I wanna fall from the stars straight into your arms...

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We headed to a restaurant that confused me because everything there was sweet. "Uh Itachi this doesn't look like a restaurant..." "Oh it is its a full dessert course restaurant." "Seriously!" I said beaming with joy.

Itachi's POV


"Y/N has always been a weird girl she strongly believes that the meal is only as good as the dessert in fact if she could only have dessert for dinner she probably would." Sasori said to me as a piece of advice. "Wait what's wrong with that?" "Not you too..." Sasori sighed rubbing his face in defeat. "I swear you both are going to give each other diabetes."

(end of flashback)

I saw the bright look in Y/N's face as I grabbed her hand and walked into the restaurant. We took a seat by the window and I sat down opposite her. "I heard from Sasori about what you always wanted to have for dinner...so." "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said enthusiastically. "When did he tell you this though?" "Some time ago..."


Author's POV

After the many crêpe cakes and muffins and other sugary treats you both headed out for a short walk. The night was nice and warm. The sun was just setting and suddenly you see the most dreadful people who you could possibly see. The people that give you nightmares.


I was walking and there I saw the witch and her filthy gargoyle. They made my life hell as a child...what the hell are they doing here. I ran away from home because of them...I never felt I was good enough because of them. I swerved behind Itachi. "What's wrong sweetheart?" "It's them..." I said my voice was breaking and the words came out as a vulnerable cry. "Who's them Y/N?" "M-My p-parents." I said feeling weak and defenseless just like I did all those years ago...damn I swore I would never return to see their pitiful faces ever again. I shut my eyes just then I heard that witch open her toxic mouth. "Y/N is that you?" My eyes shot open as I glared at her. "Oh! what a surprise I would've thought you had a baby you know after running away with that red-head boyfriend of yours...you always were a worthless one." "She ran here huh? Why Suna couldn't handle such trash..." My father said glaring at me. "Have you no shame?! You gave her a headache as a child and even in her adulthood you want to be a pain...Just go find something to do it's obvious in Suna you couldn't be productive you want to do the same here...watch your mouth talking to Y/N she isn't some kind of toy you will respect her especially in front of me!" Itachi said in an icy sharp tone. "Excuse me she is my daughter!" My father said. "No! She is mine!" A voice I recognized so easily shouted. Both my parents turned around seeing the fiery red head himself. "I'm sorry?!" My mother said. "Did I stutter! I said she is my daughter! I was there when she would face the abuse at school, I patched up her emotional and physical scars, I raised her and I put her through college and she is more my daughter than she is yours so don't show either of your pathetic faces and claim to be her parents all you did was give birth to her and then neglect her!". Sasori said giving both my parents a death glare. "Haven't you done enough damage now go home or else the detectives will be picking your remains from the road." I stared in shock at both Itachi and Sasori they defended me so much it's time I stood up to these no good fakers too. "You heard him (M/N) and (F/N) get lost you lowly people...although before you leave I must thank you...if I weren't for you I would have never learnt to fight for what I want! I at a young age I learnt that my happiness and your presence are parallel lines...It's futile holding on to such emotional drains so here and now I tell you goodbye forever." I said walking straight between my parents strutting because I have officially let go of my past and all inhibitions." Itachi looked at my parents giving them a triumphant sinister smirk, "Tsk tsk...pathetic..." All three of us walked away. "How did you end up in the area Sasori?" "Oh I was just going for my afternoon jog." "You wanna crash at my place?" Itachi said smirking. "We could have some drinks celebrate Y/N turning over a new leaf in the leaf village itself." Itachi said as I laughed. "In all honesty I think I needed that closure...for too long they haunted me I can finally let go..." I said with a smile. "I...also wanted to thank you guys for standing up for me like that." "I can say without a doubt that we both love you very much." Sasori said smiling. "Itachi has more than proved himself to be a well suited partner for you." The three of us headed to Itachi's house to relax and drink and most of all to celebrate!

A/N: Is it just me or was Sasori just...hawt in this chapter *dreamily crosses arms and stares at the screen*

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