The end of one chapter, beginning of another...

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I do not own the above image but I will tell you when to imagine it below...If you don't like it feel free to choose anything else...

Author's POV

This Friday was a huge day and for the weekend Itachi's parents were flying down, all of Itachi's friends would be here and the rest of the Uchiha's. Seeing as most of the University was funded by Uchiha empire anyway. So what was this weekend really? Oh it was the graduation for Itachi's Masters Degree. You were going to attend and lets just say this was your official meeting with the family. No, you aren't Naruto's babysitter you will be introduced to the media and family for the first time as Itachi's girlfriend...Uh how do you feel about pressure right? Though you met most of the men at the party so that eases things right?


I was so nervous in all the time I knew Itachi I knew he was from a family of businessmen I only recently found out however that it was a HUGE deal like these were multi-trillion dollar companies all under the Uchiha Empire...they make the royal family look middle class, in fact they were probably rich before people even knew what rich was. He just never gave me that rich kid vibe. I mean I know he's not one of those broke people but still. It's a little weird considering he is from such a rich family and acts so...not spoilt.

"Look I'm sorry I never told you it's just kind of weird and you are literally the only woman who treated me like a person for who I am and not the money my family has...well except for the other woman in my family."

"That's because I'm from Suna...I had no idea and what if they don't like me?"

"How could they not besides my parents already like you so the others don't matter and for gods sake Madara, Izuna, Indra, Shisui and Obito all think your amazing even the most picky one adores you!"

"The most picky one?"

"Yes he literally sticks his tongue out at anyone he doesn't like."

"Who is tha- Wait Sasuke?"

"Yes Y/N...I know I didn't tell you everything but I love the way you treat me...I love being around you...I love you!"

"I love you too." I said as my heart melted and we both hugged.


It was Friday and both Itachi and I were getting dressed. We just finished dressing both boys. I planned that we would change at the Mayors Mansion and not his because I had the decor company and catering company busy setting up for a surprise party. I had most of the help from Deidara, Konan and Shisui and well Obito offered to be the host due to his great people skills. I was just about to try and zip up my dress (above) when it zipped up already.

Itachi's POV

I saw Y/N about to zip up her dress as I rushed to do it for her as I smiled kissing her cheek as I wrapped my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder.

"You ready to meet the media and my family?"

"As ready as I'll ever the way why doesn't the media hound you?"

"Uh we kind of own" I said as her mouth shaped an 'o'.

We both went to find the boys and I grabbed my graduation gown on the way out the room. We all got in the car and headed to the University hall.

"Are you excited?" Y/N asked me smiling.

"Of course!" I said with an even bigger smile.

We arrived and walked into the hall as I walked Y/N over to my family...

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now