Time to say goodbye~

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I don't own the image. But damn now magine you're sitting on the seat opposite him hehe😈


The weather was nice and warm today and I decided to dress in a cute frilled jumpsuit with a pair of platform stilettos.

"I am ready!" I shouted hoping out in front of the mirror as Itachi laughed.

"And earlier than usual." He said matter of factly as I gasped.

"You take that back! I am always the first one ready...sometimes..." I muttered the last part.

We headed to a small café down the street as we saw Kisame sitting there looking all relaxed like one of those weird bachelor businessmen really feeling chilled.

"Look who arrived early." Itachi said as Kisame turned shades still on as we both took a seat opposite him.

"Great seeing you guys!" He chirped giving a toothy smile as we greeted him back.

"Yeah hopefully we get to see a lot more of you in Konoha." Itachi added as Kisame gave a smile.


"So how has Kiri been?" I asked wondering how much the town has changed since.

"It's really pretty much the same I guess it's because they're so closed off after the whole situation." He said as I nodded in understanding.

We all ordered talking about the good old days back when Itachi and him were in college.

"-And this one time Itachi decided he was done with Sasuke's Halloween pranks and that he was going to take matters into his own hand when he put on a big black cloak and went to Sasuke's room..."

"And then?"

"Ay Kisame this story is stupid."

"No I'm telling her! Anyways...he went to the room and Sasuke just left the bathroom minding his own business then suddenly Itachi grabs him and pins him to the wall and let me tell you his words went something like 'You're weak, you know why you're weak? because you lack hatred!' and next thing Sasuke pushed him away running down the stairs screaming. Anyways he ended up running into his Mom and he had to sleep in their room for the rest of the night oh and Itachi was grounded for a week."

"I still don't get why I was grounded so easily everytime he did something to instigate me he just got a lecture." Itachi said leaning back shrugging. As I still couldn't control my laughter.

"That story is priceless Itachi!" I laughed as he just chuckled amused.

"Ah it was the old days."

"You act like you're so old."

"Wha- I'm totally youthful!" Itachi defended.

"Now you sound like Gai and Kitana."

The rest of lunch was pretty fun and eventually we all headed back.


The honeymoon was amazing but it was finally time to go home. I missed Naruto and Sasuke so much and I bought so many things for them that I couldn't wait to give them. Kisame was there to see us off at the airport and then we boarded the flight. Eventually we managed to see the beautiful sight of Konoha again making me restless to see the boys. After a while through the airport we finally saw Naruto, Sasuke, Mikoto, Fugaku, Shisui, Obito, Madara, Izuna and Indra all waiting.

"I can't believe they all came here." Itachi laughed as I playfully slapped his arm.

"Hey!" I shouted catching everyone's attention as Naruto came running to me obliging me to carry him as I giggled kissing his cheek.

"Mom I missed you so much!"

"Tch you're so big and you still want Y/N to carry you still you're gonna hurt her dobe." Sasuke added as I laughed.

"It's fine I'm stronger than you think!" I smirked flexing my mini biceps.

"Cute." Itachi muttered as I gave him a warning look.

I was really tired when we arrived home so Naruto and I both took a long nap as we invited everyone over. Mikoto brought a whole lot of food for everyone so we could also have dinner.

"Ah man it's great to have you back bro!" Shisui said patting Itachi on the back.

"Yeah great to be back too. Hey guess who we met and who will be returning for good soon?" Itachi stated as Shisui curiously shrugged. "Kisame."

"No way! Hoshigaki! And for good too!"

"Yeah he got a job here with a guy named Suigetsu."

"Ah man this is amazing!"

"The Akatsuki returns!" Obito announced as he joined with a donut in his mouth.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now