Back to school 😭

310 11 87

Naruto's POV

I woke up in the morning to my mom drawing the curtains as I stretched.

"Time to wake up sweetheart." She said softly as she walked over ruffling my hair making me giggle. "Today you start the new year it's your last before high school...are you excited?"

"Yes!" I shouted before running into the bathroom to get ready. When I was done I raced downstairs.

Itachi leaned against the door frame lazily. As Mom poked his cheek laughing as he smiled.

"Naru what do you want for breakfast?" He asked me as I shouted the answer.




Today Mom dropped me off before heading to work. I ran into the school yard seeing Sakura leaning on the wall in front of me.

"Well look who it is?...please tell me you didn't disappoint me?" She asked as I smiled.

"I asked him to dance."

"Good and I bet he accepted!" She smiled.

"He did."

"See! I told you he likes you back!" Sakura shouted as I blocked her mouth hoping no one heard seeing no one around we continued talking.

"He doesn't!"

"Naruto are you blind?!" She shouted bonking me on the head.

(Back with Y/N)


I walked into my practice seeing my receptionist seated talking on the phone as I waved making her smile as she motioned me to stop.

"-Alright bye Mr. Yamanaka." She said putting the phone down. "Oh Y/N! It's so nice to have you back! Dr. Uchiha!"

"Hello to you too Anko and my patients don't know that yet so keep it to Dr. L/N for now."

"Yeah, yeah I know...Anyways you have an appointment in 1 hour." She said as I removed my blazer placing it on my chair as I took my seat. I decided to go through my texts before I got out my reports.


I packed your lunch

for you...It's your favorite!

MY/N/N 🥰❤️-

                                   Thank you love! ❤️😘


You're welcome❤️😘❤️


                                   Have a great day! Love        

                                   you! ❤️❤️😘


You too!❤️ Love you too!😘😘❤️

I smiled to myself as I checked the clock getting ready for my patient.

(Back with Naruto)

Naruto's POV

"I have a dinner to go to soon yesterday uncle Fugaku phoned to say he wants us over for dinner tomorrow."

"Then you can tell him!"

"No it's not that simple! You know he has been my friend for so long I can't just 'Oh hey Sasuke I know I've been friends with you since forever but I like you and I wanna be more then that' it's not that simple!" As Sakura's jaw dropped.

"That was literally perfect! You're such an idiot! That entire sentence made sense and it was clear it was literally the perfect confession!"

"Confession?" Sasuke asked about to take a seat as Hinata walked bumping him next to Naruto who's cheeks turned red.

"S-Sorry!" Hinata said as Sasuke looked at Hinata angrily.

"Watch where you're walking!" He said in fake anger as she nodded about to walk away when Naruto called out to her.

"Hey don't worry about him! Come sit with us." He said patting Sasuke's head as Hinata internally celebrated.


"If we want t-to get you two together y-you need to t-talk to him more."

"No you need to be in our group. If will be weird though if I suddenly show up and bring you along...we need to act like it was just a coincidence." Sasuke said in thought as Hinata nodded determined.

"Team Sasunaru!" She said happily as he suddenly got flustered.


"Sasuke p-plus Naruto e-equals Sasunaru!" She smiled in excitement as he chuckled.

"You're crazy."


"Yeah I heard he got married last week urgh another hot Konoha guy lost to marriage..." Ino said dramatically as Sasuke grit his teeth.

"That's Naruto's mom you stupid Ino pig!" Sakura shouted.

"No way! I have the picture of her wedding outfit on my wall omg what a statement I want one like that when I get married!" Ino shouted to her friends.

"Ignore her." Sakura said as everyone nodded.

"Guys there's a Carnival soon I think we should all go!" Naruto shouted.

"Oh when?" Hinata asked as Naruto checked his phone.

"This Friday."

"Oh damn Hinata don't we have a party at tenten's?" Sakura said loudly as Hinata caught on.

"I-Oh y-yeah I'm excited to go s-sorry you two." Hinata said sadly as Sakura looked up excitedly.

"Can't Sasuke go with you?" She said as Sasuke looked up hearing his name.


"Yeah see he's free!" Sakura added. "Great you'll can both go." Sakura happily noted as the two boys looked at each other with pink cheeks.

Author's POV

After the school day ended Naruto decorous ask his Mom if he could go to the Carnival to which she squealed happily agreeing as long as she got to drop them off.

"Itachi! Naruto's going to a Carnival with Sasuke do you remember how we took them when they were younger?! Oh time goes so fast." She smiled as Itachi kissed her.

"That was back when we just started dating." He smiled at the memory.

A/N- This chapter was really random. I just wanted it to introduce a few events and a CERTAIN pinkette...

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now