A meeting with my old demons...

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I was running down the corridor and there was a bunch of rooms with children sitting in them in patients clothing. I could see the bloody walls and I could hear their screaming....I shot up panting heavily, it was another one of those nightmares. I was sweating and I definitely couldn't go back to sleep so I went downstairs and decided to make a cup of tea. 'I haven't had those dreams in a long, long time...' I thought to myself.

A few hours later I received a call from none other than Itachi.

"Hello~" I said smiling to myself.

"Hello and how are you doing?"

"I'm all good had a great night!" I said sarcastically.

"What happened?"

"Just a nightmare."

"Oh well I can stay over and bring Sasuke if it makes you feel better..."

"Oh you don't have to! but if you want to I won't stop you..." I said getting softer and softer as he chuckled in response.

"I'll be there Y/N see you tonight...Oh damn!...Kisame one of my friends will be coming to visit he's returning from London...do you mind if he comes to visit?"

"Yeah sure it's the least I can do since you're coming over."

"Well then see you later love."

"Can't wait!" I said excitedly.

A few hours later I was sitting on the couch with Naruto and we were watching some TV as the doorbell rang.

"Hey Mom can you get that!" My eyes widened as Naruto looked shocked at his own words.

"Um...can I call you that Y/N?" I felt my eyes tear up as I smiled nodding my head before leaping and capturing Naruto into a bear hug.

"Of course you can...I love you like my own son Naruto." He smiled at me with the most innocent pure expression, he looked so happy.

"Y/N!" I heard Itachi call because we completely forgot to get the door. I ran to the door as I swung it open with a huge grin on my face.

"Guess what?!" I asked Itachi.

"You finally found the portal to the anime world?"

"Uh that would be great but no..."

"You took a bite of that ice-cream cake we were making?"

"No not without you! what do you think of me!"

"Yeah you're right and I give up...."

"Okay listen to this...Naruto! Itachi and Sasuke are here!"

"Okay coming Mom!" Naruto answered.

"Did he just..."

"Call me Mom...why yes he did." I said grinning proudly. Itachi smiled as sweet smile as him and Sasuke walked in. They both took a seat on the couch and we continued watching TV.

"By the way Kisame will be here in about one hour."

"Okay that's fine..." I said leaning on my human pillow.

(about an hour later)

Kisame arrived and he looked really exhausted. "So where are you from?" I asked politely

"Oh I live here in the leaf but I was born in Kiri..." He said smiling.

I went rigid, "K-Kirigakure..." I said trying to hide my fear.

"Yeah...you know you look familiar..."

"Um Kiri was where I did my internship it has some very bad memories for me..."

"Wait you were interning at that facility right..." He said as I went pale.

"I...H-How did you know?"

"I am a marine biologist they tried using animals too..."

"Am I the only one who's lost..." Itachi said with a nervous smile.

"Lets take a seat it's about time I told you anyway..." I started... "So back when I was doing my internship as a psychologist I was called to an abandoned medical facility you see it wasn't an ordinary medical facility...There was a sector of the government that felt the military was ineffective and decided to start a programme called The Perfecto Soldado project, in Spanish it translates to perfect soldier. The aim of this programme was to take ordinary citizens and make them into Killers by means of indoctrination. Their target was an orphanage down the road...it was perfect for their plan an endless number of kids with no families to question their actions. The programme lasted about two years before they were caught and the government shut it down. Those kids were so traumatized and the government went under the spotlight and there was an ethics board involved...long story short they were stopped and put to justice."

"I'm guessing this was your nightmare..." Itachi said.

"Yes to this day I still get nightmares of the way those kids were screaming they were abused and killed of their emotions...One man was never found but he was the man who funded the project they were never able to trace him but one of the kids I met with said he had an X on his chin so we refered to him as Man X."

"How often do you get these nightmares...?"

"Not often its just that yesterday I got one again...I was so affected by seeing those kids and our job was to help them fit back into society but there were some cases that needed more than that I don't think it was wise for me to intern there some of the others in my class interned with hospitals but I wanted to make a 'real' difference and look where that got me..." I said resting my head in my hands.

"You did make a difference helping kids who would've turned into killers..." Kisame said with a sorrowful look in his face.

"Yeah I have no idea where that jerk is but I hope he pays big time..." I said angrily as I felt Itachi hug me comfortingly.

The rest of the night was much better especially after I got that off my chest...the only other person I told was Sasori and for weeks I wouldn't sleep alone because every time I closed my eyes I heard their screams for help to be freed from their mental prisons.

A/n- I tried making the dialogues easier to read let me know what you'll think or do you prefer the other way...

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now