Man hunt...

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I do not own the above picture bur that is what I envision as the formal outfit.


I walked down the hall to the meeting room. I see two men and a woman seated waiting for both Itachi and I.

"Good morning Ms. L/N and Mr. Uchiha it's wonderful having you both here."

"Nice to meet you too Mr..."

"Mr. Senju...Hashirama Senju." The man said with a warm smile. "Here is Mr. Orochimaru and Ms. Tsunade grand daughter."

"But you don't even look...Uh let's get to business shall we." I said shocked at how young he looked.

"Anyway...well I sent you the message Ms. L/N."

"I see..."

"We are all against this programme and we are trying to stop it...We have sent a child into the orphanage to report any information to us his name is Sai."

"I see well this is a very inhumane programme and I have experience in this situation, I also have a feeling I know who funded the last project."

"Go on Ms. L/N..."

"We visited the facility and all the equipment was new we had traced the shipment details to a Mr. S but the children had identified him as a man with an 'X' on his chin so we referred to him as Man X. I have no idea about his whereabouts but he funded the entire programme."

"Thank you Ms. L/N this is very helpful."

"And as for you Mr. Uchiha what can you do for us..."

"Anything really...funding, specialists, hackers,'s more of what can't I do...My uncle would be more than willing to provide resources and I know a few...gentlemen who are quite useful."

"Please enlighten me..." Mr. Senju inquired seemingly interested.

"Well for starters there is Pein you need him he's leadership skills are immaculate, great fighter and he is known for being quite untouchable."

"Where do we find the man named Pein?"

"He is two men they go under one alias but they are Yahihko and a man named Nagato Uzamaki and they are friends if mine."

"I see...go on."

"Second...Kisame Hoshigaki...he is a marine biologist by day and an expert sword fighter by least that's his words. We also have Konan a master of paper explosives and as for Hidan...three words...scythe equals blood, let's leave it at that. Then we have Deidara art student and Explosive specialist especially C4, Sasori is an art student as well as real life ironman and a hacker. Kakuzu is well quite a dangerous fighter he uses steel threads as weapons and lastly my cousin Obito Uchiha...he is know for disappearing almost like it's into thin air."

I immediately remembered the time the girls in my class played a prank on my and I fell down the stairs and ended up covered in mud. They shared the pictures all over school and Sasori hacked all of their IP addresses and framed them trying to hack the schools account. They all ended up getting reprimanded real bad however the 'real' culprit was never found so Sasori got away.

"Well what about you Mr. Uchiha any special talents?"

"More or less all of the above..." He answered.

"Well we would like you assemble the team as soon as possible and get your hacker to look for this Man X.


Author's POV

"What's the occasion hm?"

"Yeah I was wanting to f*****g hang out though."

"Shut up Hidan."

"Oi Old f****r who asked you?"

Were among some of the voices in the room. All the friends were gathered in a gang they liked to refer to as The Akatsuki for fun of course they were just a friend group and hadn't harmed anyone.

"I have called you all here on business..." Itachi started.

"What is it?" Sasori asked intrigued.

"A few years ago a project to indoctrinate children into soldiers was initiated...The government shut it down after it went public and now there is one starting again in Konoha. Our job is to stop the man funding it and arrest all people involved."

"It is a noble cause and the perpetrators shall know pain." Both Yahiko and Nagato said in unison as Konan sighed.

"I'm in un!" Deidara said bravely.

"Count me in b*****s!" Hidan added.

"We're all in." Sasori said not wanting to waste time.

"And of course me!" Y/N said stepping out from the shadows.

"And what are you talents hm?!" Deidara asked.

"Three black belts in martial arts, good at reading people, can be manipulative when she wants to be, decent hacking skills, my apprentice...what more?" Sasori said smirking.

"Wow you did the intro for me huh?!" Y/N said smiling at Sasori.

"Well now that everyone is here are we ready to get started?" Itachi asked with a nod.

When he received a sea of nods he continued. "There are a individual sets of files for you all and each of you have different task. I want you all to look through the files and prepare we will meet tomorrow and start tracking this man." Itachi said as the room started emptying.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked looking at the woman on his right as she shrugged.

"You looked really hot taking charge like that am I not allowed to drool over my fiancé?" Y/N said as he breathed out a laugh removing his blazer as he loosened his tie and rolled his sleeves leaning on the table while crossing his arms.

"I don't know. Are you?" He said giving her a boyish smile while tilting his head.

"I feel like you are doing this on purpose..."

"Am I?"




"And you think short answers are going to save you?" He said walking towards her.

"I don't need saving."

"Someday that tongue of yours is going to get you in trouble."

"With who?"

"With me."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"We'll have to see now won't we?" He said trapping her between the table and his body as he brushed his lips to hers as her breathing hitched, he pulled away smirking.

"I'll have to punish you properly someday..."

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now