Your skin is warm like an oven, your kiss is sugary sweet~

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I don't own the above image ✨

Warning: Contains suggestive content...

It was one of those huge family dinners that have been happening a lot lately and currently everyone was having their own definition of a dessert after all some people like to keep their tomatoes in lemon juice with some salt. There wasn't much going on and Gai and Kakashi were having some competitive talk, Kitana was asking all the girls to attend the bachelorette party and Obito and Shisui were talking with the rest of the 'Akatsuki' however Itachi and Y/N were obviously digging into the dessert and pretending to give reviews to each other like a tv show.

Itachi's POV

"I like that the cinnamon isn't to overpowering yet it gives a nice warmth to the apples."

"Oh yes and the slight syrupy texture in this cinnamon roll gives a wholesome feeling."

"I'll give the apple pie a 9/10."

"And I give the cinnamon roll an 8/10."

"Is this seat taken?" Surprisingly enough it was Natsumi asking and for once she was nice.

Itachi's POV

I sat with Y/N facing me and her back facing Natsumi as Natsumi kept licking her lips until I realized she was trying to get my attention so I decided to be annoying as usual.

"Feed me Y/N!" I suddenly demanded as she laughed.

"Fine." What do you want me to feed you?" She asked as I pointed to the cinnamon roll.


"Alright open up up." She said with a smile as I took a bite smirking. "Y/N-chan you taste so sweet~" I said as she looked at me flustered and I could clearly tell Natsumi froze.

"Don't say that!" Y/N said punching my arm as I laughed.

"What it's true if I kissed you now you would be able to taste yours- I mean taste it yourself." I lazily corrected myself smirking again.

"Itachi!" She said hiding her face as I grabbed her hand eating the rest of the cinnamon roll.

"Mmm~ Y/N-chan it's so sweet~" I added tauntingly as she refused to meet my eyes and Natsumi got up strutting away angrily.

"Why do you say such dirty things Itachi?"

"I was talking about the dessert I don't know what you are talking about? You're so cute and dirty minded.".

"I'm not! I'm scary and badass and a real baddie."

"You have a good ass as far as I'm concerned." I added as we both started laughing.


Author's POV

"Sir I have an invite for the wedding."

"Well thank you. Tell me Videl did you book my ticket?"

"Yes sir I have the hotel taken care of as well."

"Thank you I will meet you tomorrow to discuss the new design we were looking at."

"Alright sir wishing you a goodnight."

"A goodnight to you too."

The said man spoke out before resting his head down onto his luxury pillow. His college buddy was getting married it seemed quite exciting to him and he was surely excited to meet him after so long.

(The next day)

One and a half weeks and with the Bachelorette party on Friday the excitement was mounting up. Yet here you were sitting under a tree with Itachi as you two talked.

"...and then he said he was busy with the files but that was before we arrived here."


"We're you listening I mean I get it was kinda boring I-"

"No! I just...I just- Itachi can I play with your hair?"

"Oh I- Oh you're serious?! I guess you can just no cornrows please...In high school Shisui put cornrows for me and I guess you could say they were cool till I got them opened up and my hair was so wavy the kids asked me if I was hippie or I believe the word was 'A flower child' was so embarrassing."

"Honey we are getting married in a few days I'm not doing something to mess your hair up bad okay?"

"Yeah sure."


So here I sat behind Itachi as I braided his bangs then pulled them back clipping them together which made him look like a medieval prince or something.

"You look like an elf you just need the ears. Because your hair is really...medieval."

"Oh thanks. It's not flying in my face which is a relief and I can see a slight reflection in my phone screen, you did a good job however I tie your hair better." 

"Don not!"

"Oh yes I do you get frustrated about your hair not getting into your pony well amd I end up having to save you."

"Oh please that only happened...a few times." 

"Exactly your majesty."

"Oh I'm sorry your highness." I completed as we got up heading to the house as we interlocked hands. Yeah 

A/n- A filler-ish chapter I guess

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now