Once you pull the trigger off you'll be beggin me to stop~

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Warning the following chapter is a lemon there is mature content🍋🔞⚠️❌ 🚮 All my thanks to you Candice🚮

Itachi's POV

I placed my hand on her face as I moved my lips closer to hers staring into her beautiful (e/c) pools brushing my nose along hers as her breath hitched.


Then air was so very tight. Like you could almost grab the moment but also loose it in a split second. Itachi leaned even closer savouring the power he held. As he took a dive for your neck teeth grazing the skin lightly bruising it as you shut your eyes in pleasure letting out a moan. It sure didn't take him long to figure out what you liked. His hand wandering down your dress as he lifted your legs over his hips feeling your back against the cold wall making shivers run down your spine as you arched your back. Noting the way you moulded into him as soft whimpers fell from your lips driving him insane as he felt his control play along a dangerously thin line.

"Those sounds you make are so b-beautiful..." He groaned slipping your dress down your body nibbling at your soft skin as you threw your head back feeling his soft hair tickle your shoulders. "How did I get so lucky huh? You make me want to worship your body but also rearrange your guts at the same time." He whispered making you moan loudly. His body trapping yours as he took your wrists restraining them above your head with his larger hand as the other one ran along the valley between your breasts tracing lower and lower as you sucked air in deeply feeling him reach dangerously close to your core.

"I-Itachi..." You whispered as his fingers reached closer between your legs that are tightly wrapped around his waist.

"I know how much you love this Y/N..." He mutters in your ear as your legs unconsciously tighten making him groan. "You're treading along a very thin line my love..."

"I- Ah!" You whined feeling him slip a finger into your core as you arched your back. Kissing you deeply as you whined making him smirk as he moved faster making a knot form in your lower region as you neared your first release.

"Why do you have to fight me on the fact that you're so...cute?" He asked smirking as your face twisted into a whine as you released as you tried catching your breath as he swiftly laid you on the bed. Removing the rest of yours and all of his clothes as he towered over you his godly figure deciding to tease you a little as he untied his hair knowing how much you loved it. Watching as the silky strands cascaded down his strong shoulders. As he pulled you in for a heated kiss before entering you as you moaned into his mouth making him groan. His beautiful hair swaying softly in the night breeze from a lonely window as he sighed in pleasure at the feeling of being enveloped by you.

"You're so warm and welcoming~" He sighed throwing his head back as he gripped your thighs moving faster making you moan uncontrollably at the immense pleasure driving you to your second release as you pulled him back into a sweet, warm, loving kiss. Shortly after you both released as you laid back catching your breath with a light giggle as he smirked pulling you close again.

"Not so fast...I'm not even done with you..."

A/N: 🚮

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