Return to Konoha.

375 14 127

Author's POV

The sound of the water from the pool's mini fountain was the only sound that could be heard as Y/N woke up fluttering her lashes as the sun peaked through the curtains. She felt a little sore from last night as Itachi woke up at the feeling of her shuffling in his arms. He nuzzled his warm face against her bare shoulders as she giggled.

"Come on let's get up. We have to leave soon." She said softly as he nodded removing his arm as she got up and the pain was bearable until she took a step falling right down as Itachi got up.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he rushed to her side. "Are you okay?" He asked as she looked away not really knowing how to describe her situation.

"Um Itachi I-" He looked at her worriedly as he lifted her up awaiting her answer. "It hurts..." He looked at her still confused until it clicked making him purse his lips to prevent laughing.

"I *erm* see..." He said trying to hide his amused smile.

"Itachi are you laughing?!" She looked at him pouting as she lightly hit his chest as he laughed.

"I'm not I was just-"

"Laughing!" She cut him off as he looked at her pouting face.

"I'm sorry okay it's just I didn't expect you to fall from that." He said as she looked away in fake annoyance. "Come on let's run you a nice warm bath to relax your muscles okay? You'll feel much better after." He said kissing her forehead as she smiled.


After the bath the two packed up their stuff that was almost fully packed thanks to Izumi. They headed back to the main Chalet as everyone was packing the cars.

"Morning brat." Sasori said as she smiled hugging him.

"Morning Sasori. Did they put the painting in the car?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yeah I made sure it's safe and packed properly." He answered making her smile.

"I really, really love it." She smiled as he ruffled her hair making her giggle.

Itachi drove with Y/N and Sasori while Naruto, Sasuke, Shisui and Obito all drove together.

"-I know that but I think we should invite everyone for a post-wedding dinner I'm sure my son would love it and Y/N is so sweet she will definitely agree."

"Fugaku they need sometime as a couple too. You had two sons most of your life and now you get one daughter and you want to hog her."

"I'm just saying it will be nice to have the whole family over besides when last did we see Minato's boy, you think he will be happy in heaven seeing how little we invite his son over."

"Now you are just being over dramatic I'm sure Itachi wants to spend some time with her after all the wedding would have been a busy time they need to rest before their honeymoon."

"See just another reason to invite them we won't see them for so long and they will have enough time alone."

"Fine but only one night."

"Okay but I'm sure we can invite Madara, Izuna, Indra and the other two boys?"


"Come on they are part of the family..."


(In another car)

"Please Naruto you are not gonna beat me! I can fit 45 skittles in my mouth you can only do 34 accept defeat!"

"Huh? No fair you're older so your mouth is bigger!" Naruto said pouting as Sasuke looked away with pink cheeks.

"It's fine Naruto I'll beat him on your behalf." Shisui said grabbing the bag of skittles.

"You're driving you aren't allowed." Obito said smirking.

"Fine! I'll pull over hold on." He said as Naruto cheered giving Shisui a high-five as he pulled over swoping seats with Obito. After Obito took the wheel Shisui began filling his mouth with Skittles as Naruto cheered and Sasuke rolled his eyes at the lack of attention from the blonde.

(In another car)

"Dear good Sasori you want me to settle this on the side of the road huh?"

"I'm taller than you brat!"

"No you are not!"

"I didn't remember you overtaking my height besides you wear those stupid heels and then you want to pretend like you grew."

"I'm taller than you even without the heels!"

"In your dreams."

(I'm another car)



"Shoto pass the water." Enji asked.

"Get it yourself."

"It's in the backseat."

"Then you better start yoga classes."

(In another car)

"I'm the handsome beast of Konoha!"

"No Gai you gotta be more youthful...'I'M THE HANSOME BEAST OF KONOHA!'...more power." Kitana added as Kakashi laughed to himself.

"So Mini Gai has to help you with your lines now Gai?"

"Hey! I'm not Mini Gai!"

"Yes it's Might Gai and Mini Gai and the kid that you'll spend time with Broc Lee or-"

"Rock Lee!" Kitana shouted. "And he's adorable!"

(In another car)

"Genma I need to tell you something..."

"Come on Zuzu you can tell me anything. You know that." He told Izumi.

"I'm pregnant."

A/N: Well damn I didn't expect to do a triple update today...🤭🤭

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