Cosplay time!!!

335 10 16

I don't own the above image.


I put on my blonde wig tying two ponytails. With a weirdly deep, plunging top paired with three quarter pants and black sandals and a tiny jewel on my forehead. Itachi on the other hand couldn't stop staring at his nails.

"Why does he have to have purple? Why not black?"

"He just does okay black is taken by a blonde guy with four mouths."

"I see well can you please help me real quick I need you to hold the top section of my hair while I tie this headband and then you let go so I can tie it."

"Sounds complicated..." I said sarcastically as he let out a laugh. After styling his hair as desired he put on the black cloak and the Sharingan contacts making my jaw drop. "Wow..."

"Huh? Does it look good?" He asked making sure everything looked good in the mirror.

"Clearly! how the hell does it look so good?!" I asked making him laugh.

"Hey you never know he's probably watching...and trying to steal you from me." He said making me laugh as I stepped out next to the mirror.

"Wow that top is very...interesting?"

"I can feel the urge to gamble awaken in my bones." I said flexing my arm and making a fist as he now burst out laughing.

"You are really something else."

Eventually we headed to the car phoning Naruto and Sasuke who were staying with Mikoto for the weekend. They planned on going out to the arcade with some friends.

We arrived seeing Obito matching Itachi's cloak. His toes painted blue. Shisui had a really cool ninja outfit as he waved at everyone passing shouting about how he could 'Kotoamatsukami' everyone.

"Shisui say that one more time and you'll be engulfed in a fire that can burn fire itself." Itachi said cooly.

"Um...You'll are forgetting that I'm the Hokage..." I spoke up.

"All I have to do is Kamuii you out of here and then we can start an underground ninjitsu fighting operation." Obito spoke up as the rest of the group showed up.

"Uh what happened to the rest of Hidan's clothes?" Shisui asked as Obito laughed hitting his shoulder.

"He's saving money." Kakuzu added with a small teasing smile.

"The person I chose to dress as just seemed to like a little less clothes." Hidan said defending himself.

"I just look cute..." Deidara said admiring his outfit.

"You're the fool with black nail polish?!" Itachi said giving him an accusing look.

"Hey it came with the package." Deidara defended.

"What's with all the ruckus brats?" Sasori said from behind as everyone screamed.

"What the hell is that?!"

"It's a puppet you fool!" He said frowning as everyone calmed down.


"Hey guys!" Kisame said stepping into view.

"How the hell?!" Everyone screamed shocked by his arrival.

"I told you long ago...well a month ago I'd be here and I wanted to surprise you guys by joining all of you at Comicon. He said with a huge sword over his shoulder.

"I had to draw a bunch of stitches what a waste of eyeliner..." Kakuzu mumbled to himself making a few people chuckle.

"I- you bought it to use it for Comicon why is it a waste?" Obito asked as Hidan strode over handing me a small bag.

"There are three in there you can go to the bathroom when you want and just follow the instructions." He said calmly as I nodded deciding to head to the bathroom as soon as possible not before Itachi with me.

"Oh hey you're going to the bathroom?"

"Yeah be a good girlfriend and come with." I said jokingly trying to calm my nerves.


I headed into the bathroom following the instructions as I waited for the timer on my phone to go off taking a peek at the first one saying negative as I felt some relief knowing that we could plan better only to see the next two tests giving...


"Wha-" I rushed out of the bathroom trying to calm my nerves as I breathed in and out continuously.

"Hey are you okay?" Itachi asked as I looked up trying to calm down. "Look I know you weren't feeling well yesterday if you're still feeling unwell I can take you to the doctor..." He said trying to ease my mind as I looked up.

"You'll take all three of us?" I smiled brightly lifting the tests.

"Thre-? Oh my god!" His eyes lit up so beautifully adorning his mind face was one of the biggest smiled I've ever seen. "I can't believe we are going to be parents again..." He said with a laugh as I nodded laughing.

I guess in the end it all turned out alright, well better than alright. I smiled as he hugged me tightly but not too tightly.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now