I'll be on the first flight home.

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Chapter 43: I'll be on the first flight home.

June 9, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

The doctor said I needed surgery. Two bones are broken and for me to be able to use my hand again they have to operate as soon as possible.

Ryan came with me to the hospital. He found me in the tour buss crying for help right after he had shouted at Justin. Obviously Ryan's pissed at how bad he messed everything up.

I still can't fathom everything that went down in the arena, the huge ass truth that came out and release of tears and anger.

Just a day ago we were greater than ever but look at us now.. I'm in a hospital with a seriously damaged hand and Justin is God knows where doing God knows what. Despite everything, I can't deny how much I still love him. Of course my feelings towards him aren't going to change over night, but I cannot tell you how betrayed I feel.

Earlier today, on that stage when I got my answer to the cheating, changed everything. It was as if someone stabbed me with a knife multiple times and like I was in some sort of movie or bing punked. I never visioned this to happened for us. He was always so faithful.

"The operation went smoothly, now you'll be having a plastered hand for like, I would say around 4 months? It'll go fast and then you'll come back and we'll have it taken off and scanned."

"Sounds great, but I will actually be leaving tonight in like a few hours, but can't I just go to the hospital in California?"

"Of course, as long as you follow my instructions now." Doctor Marques touches her glasses.

"Of course."

The hospital visit lasts for another two hours as they want some of the antibiotics to leave my body before I return to the buss. And when I'm at the buss, I go straight to packing - taking it easy of course.

"Need some help with that?" Ryan starts helping. I stop folding clothes and look in to Ryan's insanely blue eyes.

"Thank you."

"Sure, folding cloth-"

"No. I mean thank you, for everything. For going with me to the doctors office, for being there with me almost the entire time and just for caring."

He pats my shoulder twice and kisses my forehead, "You deserve better. But Hanna, that is not the Justin I know." He emphasizes not.

"Please don't bring that up." I beg.

"You're right, sorry." He hits his forehead dumbly.

"It's okay." I mumble.

"So where should I put these?" Ryan holds up a black thong. I blush and steal it out of his hand making us laugh.

"Don't touch those."

I finish packing soon enough. Ryan offers to take my suitcase and of course I take on the offer seeing as I have to be really careful using my hand. In other words, I am not allowed to use it, obviously.

Can't believe I was so sad and mad to actually punch a wall, a stone hard wall.

"Thanks," I smile at Ryan whom pulls me in to a friendly hug. "I'll see you in a few months eh?"

"Of course. And remember, you can always call me if you need someone to talk to or whatever the reason should be." We pull away.

I send him one last reassuring and thankful smile. "Back at ya." Leaves my mouth before I walk up the stairs to the airplane. We had convinced the airport to let Ryan follow me to the actual plane, but longer than standing outside it he couldn't come which is understandable.

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