First day gone wrong

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Chapter 15: First day gone wrong

August 2, 2013

Hanna's Point Of View.

The car comes to a stop after a good hour drive with cuddling, and the driver opens his car door and quickly shuts it close again.

After another five minutes, Justin and I can finally exit the car. Outside we see mom, dad and my three siblings just on their way out the front door to welcome us. They don't see us though. "I'll be there in a sec." Justin says.

"Okay." I exit the car.

I walk up to my family. "Hi!" I shout with excitement and attack my little brother Jacob with a bear hug.

I do the same with my two older siblings, Martin first. "Er det ikke meningen du skal være i Island?" (Aren't you suppose to be in Iceland?) I grin wide.

"Jo men jeg ville ikke gå glipp av å se lille søstera mi." (Yes but I didn't wanna miss seeing my little sister.) Martin answers making me instantly smile bigger.

"Gratulerer med dagen!" (Happy Birthday sis!) I shout with excitement and hug my big sis who'm I've missed very much. We both pull away smiling.

"Takk Hanna, jeg er så glad for at du er her for bursdagen min." (Thank you Hanna, I'm so glad you're here for my birthday.) Charlotte smiles.

Nodding, I turn to look at my father Jim only to be pulled in to his arms.

"Her pappa." (Hi dad.) I gasp and hug him tightly. When we pull away, a small tear surprisingly runs down his cheek, but I quickly wipe it away.

Laughing at his emotional silly self, I hug my mom, just as tight. "Jeg har savnet deg." (I've missed you.) I mumble in to her neck and pull away, only to be pulled back in again. "Aw mamma da." (Awe mommy.) I awe.

"Vent, det glemte jeg nesten.." (Oh, I forgot..) I say and pull away from my moms embrace. "Babe!" I shout and Justin immediately comes. I put my hand out for him to take, he obeys and grins at my family, already exchanging hand shakes with my siblings.

"Mom, dad, you guys," I start and look up at my handsome boyfriend, "This is my boyfriend, Justin. Justin, meet my familia."

Justin smiles at my family, only for my dad to send him a death stare. I groan at my fathers childish behavior, but choose to ignore it. The rest of my family have this puzzled look on their faces, their eyes almost falling out.

"Jim, am I hallucinating, or did Hanna just say tha- and is that really-" My mom trails of, my father just shrugging, basically not caring.

Typical dad.. never approved of any guys I liked, and for this matter, love.

"Mom. Dad. This is real. Why don't we all go inside and sit down.. sounds good? Good. C'mon." I speak fast and push Justin over to the front door and in to the house.

"That went.. better than expected.." I laugh and we enter the living room. "Sorry for my dad though, he's always been like that." I chuckle at my good old dad.

Justin chuckles and sits down on the big black leather sofa, pulling me with him. Our bodies sit really close, Justin's arms wrapped loosely around me.

"This house is lovely and cozy. I really like it here."

"Ya, we moved here 2 years ago, so I barely lived here." I say looking around me. "Just be glad we're not in our old house."

"And why's that?" Justin asks.


Just as Justin opens his mouth to speak, my family's appearance interrupts causing me to mentally thank them.

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