The aftershock

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Chapter 10: The aftershock

July 16, 2013

Justin's Point Of View.

I feel my heart beat raising, my hands sweating and I can tell sweat is forming on my forehead.

I can't fathom what I'm hearing. I don't want to believe what I'm hearing.

My girl is already someone elses girl. Someone elses woman. My woman is married. She's fucking married.

I don't believe this. Was she using me the whole time? What about our first kiss and yesterday, when we made love for the first time? Was it all just an act?

And if she's married, that means she's been cheating on me. You know, I never thought I could fall this fast, but I did and now, to be honest, I regret it more than anything.

"Justin!" Hanna's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"You're married." I say with hurt in my voice. "You betrayed me." I sadly whisper.

"I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you. "She says and takes my hands in hers. I immediately pull my hands away and look at her in hurt.

The room becomes silent. It's as if someone sucked out all the air in the room. Thoughts keep running through my head and it's driving me crazy.

"Get out." I whisper and look away from her.

"What?" She asks clearly hurt.

"I said, get out." I say my voice as calm as possible, but I feel my adrenalin kicking and my heart beating furiously inside of me.

"But can't we talk this through?"

"There's nothing to talk about. I want you out of my house, now!" I shout, which startles her.

Hanna stays silent for a moment. "So this is it? We're just gonna end it like this?" She cries, tears streaming down her face. She quietly sniffles and when I don't say anything, she bows her head in defeat and stands up.

Standing by the front door, she turns to me, "I love you." She says before leaving.

My eyes shot wide open and I'm heavily breathing. I run my hands down my face trying to calm myself down.

It was just a dream, I realize as a single tear falls down my left cheek. My eyes are probably bloodshot.

I look to my right, relief washing over me. There lays my beautiful girlfriend, Hanna, sound asleep, with her back facing me. A small smile comes to my lips and I lean down to plant a kiss behind her ear, but get startled as she stirs in her sleep. I try my best not to wake her, but fail. She opens her eyes and turns around halfway on her back and looks at me with tired eyes.

"Hi." I lightly smile.

"Hi." She tiredly responds.

She looks at me in concern when she notices that my eyes are puffy. "Babe, have you been crying? What's wrong?" She asks, tracing my lower lip with her thumb finger.

I nod my head yes and put on my best fake smile, "Yeah, but I'm okay now. It was just a nightmare." I shrug it off.

"Aww what happend in this nightmare of yours? It must have been awful considering you're crying."

"Well.." I start. "You told me you had to go home and I joked about it, asking you if you were trying to get away from me." I silently chuckle to myself. "But then you told me you were married. So I told you to leave and you did."

Hanna's eyes sadden and she frowns, "But Justin, it was just a dream. I would never do you bad. I would never purposely hurt you and you know that. I love you." She says lowly and sincerely.

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