Because you're beautiful

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Chapter 7: Because you're beautiful

July 13, 2013

Hanna's Point Of View.

I stare at Justin in shock, my mouth wide open and my eyes nearly bolting out.

He's falling for me. For me. For me, Hanna.

I think I may be falling in love with you. I think I may be falling in love with you. I think I may be falling in love with you.

That same line keeps going through my head over and over again, completely driving me crazy.

He can't fall in love with me. He shouldn't be falling in love with me. Realization hits me that we can't be together. I'm not good enough for him. He needs someone pretty and special. I'm neither. I won't allow him to love me.

"Hanna!" I hear Justin's sad voice call my name out.

I blink my eyes, my vision slightly blurry. I look up at Justin and he's looking down at me. He traces my cheek with his thumb finger and in the minute I realize I'm leaning in to his touch, I pull my head away, turn around and make my way out of the water and over to our stuff. I grab my things, but stop on my tracks, hearing my name being shouted over and over and over again.

"Hanna, get back here please."

Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I reopen them in hope of this being a dream but fail.

People are staring at us. They follow my every move and it I got the feeling they just realized that it's us.

Am I being unreasonable right now? I know I should say something to him even if it's not the same 3 words as his. I just need to get away from him. I need time to think. I need time to think this all through and think about what I'm actually doing.

Turning around again, I look at Justin, who's eyes are focused on anything but me. I put my stuff down in the cold sand and walk in to the water again. I put my arms tightly around Justin's torso, hugging him. At first he doesn't hug me back, but he soon gives in. I take in his amazing scent.

He smells really good.

After a short minute, I unwrap myself from him and lean up to kiss his cold cheek. "I'll call you tonight, alright?" I ask against his cheek.

"How about you come over instead?" Justin suggestes. His voice sounds sad and I feel like shit for not explaining my actions. Hesitantly I nod my head yes and quickly pull away from him, once again walking over to my stuff. I stop and take one last glance behind me, then make my way over to my car.

Brianna is probably going to shout at me and wonder why I left. Well, it's simply because I'm afraid of falling in love and I don't feel good enough for Justin. And when he says he's falling for me, it hits me that this can't go on.

That's why I think it'll be the best for the both of us if I end things with him tonight.

Justin's Point Of View.

Putting the bowl with popcorn on the living room table, I'm about to sit down on the couch when I hear my porch guard through the speaker.

"There's a girl here saying she's a friend of yours. Her name is Hanna." I don't even hesitate before I tell him to open the gates.

But why would she say she was my friend? Isn't she my girlfriend? I Shake away the awful thoughts. I'm just overthinking minor details.

As soon as I approach my beautiful girlfriend, my lips immediately turn in to a smile. I give her a side hug as she walks inside to my house. "Hi baby." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Hi." She mumbles, leaving her jacket on.

That's unusual..

I frown as we sit down on my sofa.

She's been ignoring my calls and not responding to my texts since this morning at the beach and it makes me question. Is it because she doesn't feel the same way?

Is she scared that I'll leave her for someone else? Shit. That's it.

"You're scared." I blurt.

Her head quickly snaps in my direction, her lips turning in to a firm line. "What?"

"You're scared" I repeat and sit myself a little closer to her on the sofa, "But it's okay."

Hanna stares at me, her eyes dark. "I'm scared, yes, but only because.." she trails of. There's nothing but sadness and hurt in her voice, somethıng I hate.

I hate seeing someone I care about so deeply being hurt.

"Because what?" I ask her quietly.

After a moment of silence, she opens her mouth and looks down at her lap, "Because I love you." My stomach gets butterflies at the words I love you. "But I'm scared that you'll leave me for someone else. Justin you could have any girl in the world, why would you want me? I'm not as beautiful as Selena." She mumbles.

What am I hearing? How can such an amazing and beautiful and gorgeous and sweet girl be so insecure?

I furiously shake my head, letting her know that what she just said, was nothing but a big fat lie.

Taking her hands in mine, I call her name out in hope of getting her attention, but she still won't look at me. "Hanna." I call out again, more strictly this time. Her head slowly looks up at me, her beautiful grayish blue eyes looking in to my brown ones.

"Don't ever feel like you're not good enough. I want to be with you because I love you, not Selena, but you." I say, honesty and seriousness in my voice.

She shyly smiles that beautiful smile of hers, but her smile quickly turns in to a frown again, making me frown too. And what really shocked me, was the next sentence that came out of her mouth.

"But why'd you want me? I'm fat, my ass is huge, my thighs are thick, my stomach isn't flat, I'm not beaut.." I cut her off by grabbing her face and crashing my lips in to hers, taking her by a surprise. After lingering my lips on hers for a few seconds, I slowly pull away, breathing heavily. I stare at her, admiring her. She looks shocked at my actions and looks away.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She mumbles.

I say, "Because you're beautiful and I enjoy looking at beautiful people."


Augustus Waters quote folksssss

Ahh, them motherfucking feels man



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