"How could you?"

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Chapter 46: "How could you?"

June 9, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

"It was Justin wasn't it?" I ask.

I never thought the day would come where I was actually asking my best friend if she has slept with my ex. It never even crossed my mind.

"Hanna I-"

"Oh my God, you slept with him didn't you?" I ask in betrayal.


"How could you do that to me? I've like just been broken up from Justin for what, 24 hours and you have sex with him? Was that your plan from the beginning? Did you both agree on hurting me? Is that- I can't believe I ever trusted you, I thought you were my friend," My hands start shaking.
"I thought at least you would understand how I felt about him, I thought you were- I told you about our first date, our first kiss, our second date, our second kiss, our- our first time.." My skin is on fire and my body is only building up more and more anger with each word that leaves my mouth. I cannot believe I ever trusted her. This must've all been planned from the beginning.

"Hanna-" Brianna tries but I stop her.

"Don't!" I warn. "Don't you think you've done and said enough already? I can't believe I ever- oh my god no. I refuse to believe this."

Brianna starts crying and grabs my hands. I try to remove them but stop when I realize she's not going to let go of me any time soon.

"Then don't believe it because Hanna, I did not have sex with Justin!" Brianna informs sternly.

Oh God, I think my head is gonna explode soon. I think I'm going to start hyperventilate any minute now, I need some water.

"What?" I choke out and blink a few times, "You didn't have sex with him? Because if you-"

"No. How could you even think that? Gosh, if I love Justin it's like nothing more than a brother. And I would never do that to you, ever!" Brianna wipes her tears away before wiping mine.

"You promise you're not making this up?"

"I swear on my grandfathers grave."
Knowing Brianna I know she would never swear on her grandfathers grave unless she swears on her life and means it from the bottom of her heart. She's too good of a person for that.

"Oh my gosh, Brianna, I'm so so so sorry, I'm the worst possible friend in the history of worst friends." I throw my arms around her neck, her doing the same actions. We hold each other tightly.

"No, you're not! And to be honest you still got every right to be mad at me." She murmurs in to my neck.

I open my shut eyes and pull away from the embrace, letting my hands stay on her shoulders, "What'd you mean?"

Brianna bites her lip, "I- I slept with Fredo."

You hear me gagging? That would be me nearly choking on my spit. "You did what? Fredo as in Justin's best friend Fredo?" I shout, my eyes probably bolting out any minute and my ears probably falling off. I wipe my almost drained tears away and put a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

We both look like a mess, but we couldn't care less if our hair sticks out everywhere and if our nose and cheeks are red, even if our clothes are dirty because of smeared mascara.

Best friends fight but they're still best friends.

"Yeah and I was trying to tell you when you brought up Justin, but you just kept going on and on and- I'm sorry. If you wanna go ahead and judge me, go ahead. It's a free country."

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