"I promise."

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Chapter 57: "I promise."

August 8, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

Justin's pulls out a 1000 dollar bill and hands it over to Hank. "Keep the change man." He carelessly says.

I smile at my boyfriend who's intentions always are the best. Justin doesn't have as much as one bad bone in his body, because I think that if he had, we wouldn't be dating. He would never intentionally hurt anyone.

Facts are that there are only 10 percent of men out there whom actually prefer heavier girls - like me. Society is fucked man. When a guy meets a women he will only talk to her if she's pretty. For some guys the personality doesn't even matter, as long as she's hot and has a vagina. It's sick. And in my opinion, Justin could be considered being that guy, but as far as I know, we're dating.

Do you realize how fucking special that makes me feel? He actually wanted me - a 17 year old boring plus size high school girl - and as it seems, he'll do anything to make me happy and feel loved. He loves me.

I blink twice to break my thoughts and see Justin and Hank engaged in a conversation about the new iPhone 6. But Justin isn't focused on Hank, no, his eyes are glued to me meanwhile a he bobs his head every now and then to make it seem like he's actually participating in the conversation.

"So that means if you want to log in to.." Hank rambles on and on about how the phone works and this time, Justin actually pays attention and decides to speak up.

"Thanks man, but my girlfriend and I really gotta leave."

"Oh, got another appointment?"

"Something like that.." Justin walks over to me and looks back at Hank, "This girl here got an appointment at the hair saloon in like 5 minutes." He drapes an arm around my shoulder.

I give him a confused look but decide to play along once realization hits me that he really doesn't want to be here anymore. "Yeah and Justin is that typical guy that doesn't wanna run late to stuff like that so we really should go sorry, but thanks for the phones." We start backing out of the store.

"Sorry I kept you here, nice seeing you again Mr. bieber and it was a pleasure meeting you Hanna."

"You too." Both Justin and I wave goodbye and leave.

"You were amazing babe, that act in there was such a bad boy move." I put my hand flat on his chest and bite on my lip.

He furrows his eyebrows and smirks at me, "Oh honey, that wasn't an act. You do got an appointment at the hair saloon, cut and dye."

"Baby you did that?" I stop walking and turn around to my sweet boyfriend. Isn't he the bestest? Bestest? Is that even a word? Because if it is, it will be the definition of Justin.

"You deserve it and I know how much you've been wanting to do something with your hair so I-" I put a stop to his sentence my pressing my pointer finger to his lips, laughing.

"Shut up and c'mon here." I pull his face down to mine and kiss his supple lips hungrily as an award for being a sweetheart.


Around us are mad paparazzi men hungrily snapping photos of us, wanting a new rumor to write about.

"Hanna! Over here!"

"Show some more PDA!"

"C'mon guys!"

The flashes mentally attack us, questions being thrown. We hurry in to the car and Justin immediately puts his foot down on the gas pedal, the car driving off in full speed.

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