January first

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Chapter 37: January first

January 1, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

I believe in destiny. I believe in love at first sight. I believe two completely different people growing up in completely different cultures with completely different perspectives at life, can be together.

When I look at my middle finger where the promise ring is, I realize that Justin and I are brought together by destiny, yet we're nothing alike and we're exactly what I pointed out.

Justin grew up with basically nothing. His family wasn't rich so they had little. I grew up in a family that was neither poor nor rich. Today, we're two completely different people. He's an international famous pop icon, discovered on YouTube when he was 12, now living his dream by making people happy and selling out huge Arenas such as Madison Square garden.

I on the other hand, I'm just boring old me. I don't have a job anymore and let's face it, the one I had wasn't that much to brag about. What I got is a not too big house, a wrecked car which surprisingly can still drive and a lot of clothes, but none of those three things are my dream.

You would think we switched worlds. But honestly, we didn't. He just has more luck than me and more talent. Also, he has more vill to fight for what he wants. And as he's making love to me right now, I realize that his countless times of making love to me is his way of really fighting for what he wants, which is me.

This sex isn't rough nor quick, fast nor hard. No. It's slow and romantic, sensual and sweaty. It involves lip biting to a point where my lip is swollen, my nails digging in to his back till I see blood dripping and there is my back arching to meet his powerful thrusts.

He isn't doing this for the pleasure. Everyone know sex is pleasurable, especially when you orgasm and the sensation feels unreal, but sex is so much more than pleasure. It's about pleasing the person you love over and over again and giving your all to them, showing them that you appreciate and respect them.

Under the progress of showing me his love, Justin repeats the words I love you over and over. You would think it's annoying and drives me insane, but it doesn't and as we reach our highs and orgasm, none of us say a word, instead we cuddle for the rest of the night knowing that beside our arguments and disagreements, we're going to be okay.

Our stupid little fight took place last year and we didn't bring it with us. This is a new year and it's going to be a good one.

When the sun rises and we wake up in each other's sweaty arms, our naked bodies intertwined, the first I lay my eyes on are Justin's hazel brown ones.

I would just say in his arms all day if I could but when my stomach grumbles from lack of food, Justin releases me, grabs the hotel telephone and asks for breakfast meanwhile as his eyes stay glued to me somehow. If it's not my eyes he's looking at, it's my lips. If not my lips, he studies my face. Never does he get sick and tired of looking at me and somehow that makes me feel self cautious.

Justin is quick to notice something is wrong when his first words to me this morning are, "What's wrong?"

I shrug my shoulders and push his hair away, "I still can't believe you choose me."

His hand brushes my cheek and I believe he knows how low my self esteem is at the point because he plants a small kiss on each of my cheeks and pulls me close to him.

"I do and there's a simple explanation for it; I choose you because I've learned that I just simply can't live without you."

"But you lived without me before you met me, how'd that change?"

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