Hello Doctor

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Chapter 019: Hello Doctor

August 13, 2013

Hanna's Point Of View.

"We're leaving tomorrow. In only 17 hours to be exact." I frown and look down at my lap.

"I know baby." Justin whispers a small frown on his face too. "You know, we could always visit for Christmas again or have your family visit us."

My eyes switch from my lap to Justin's eyes, "Really?" I lightly smile.

"Of course. Only that I'll be celebrating Christmas with mom this year and I-" Justin clears his throat, "We -my mom and I - we were wondering if maybe you would wanna.." he trails of shyly, scratching the back of his neck

"Really?" I smile at the idea. "Oh, so you think we'll still be together then?"

Putting his hands on my knees, looking straight in to my eyes, Justin says, "Babe, I want nothing but to be with you."

"Good cause' you're stuck with me for a while." I giggle.

"I don't have a problem with that." Justin says making my cheeks flush.

"So do you wanna spend the Christmas holidays with mom and I?" Justin asks with a hint of excitement yet nervousness in his voice.

"Of course babe. I would really like that." I smile, pushing his hair back. Justin's face relaxes causing me to giggle. It's sweet how nervous he was.

"Good. It'll be our first Christmas together." He says tracing his thumb on my hand.

"Yeah." I smile, excitement taking over me. But as excited I am about this, I still can't help but feel guilty for not spending this year's Christmas here, with my family.

That night.

I take a sip of my lemonade drink, and look at my little brother, Jakob. "Hvordan går det med datingen? Er det ei ny jente jeg ikke vet om?" (How is the dating going? Any new chick I don't know about?)

We're eating at a restaurant cause' it's Justin and I's last full day here. Also, my bro Martin's birthday was 6 days ago so we thought what better way to celebrate it than going out? Justin thought it was best if he just rented out the entire restaurant and we tried to stop him, but seeing it from his point of view, I agreed with him.

Now everyone else beside Jacob and I are engaged in their own conversation.

Jakob's cheeks flush which is really cute for a guy who's 15. "Kanskje, kanskje ikke. Og om det er det, forteller jeg det ikke." (Maybe, maybe not. And if there is, I'm not gonna tell you.) He answers winking at me.

I fake a gasp. "Men jeg er søstera di." (But I am your sister.)

"Stadigvekk. Jeg ønsker ikke at noen skal vite det." (Still. I don't want anyone knowing.)

"Ikke engang søstera di? Vi pleide å fortelle hverandre alt." (Not even your own sister? We used to tell each other everything.) I reply sadly, something that always helps. I know he hates seeing me sad.

"Okay okay.. Du vet hvem hun er så om jeg forteller deg, må du sverge på st du ikke sier det til noen." (You know who she is and if I tell you, you have to promise to not tell anyone.) He says finally giving in.

See, I knew he would give in.

"I pinky promise." I say holding out my little finger. He intertwines his little finger with mine and mumbles,


"Mona hvem?" (Mona who?) I ask confused, but gasp once realization hits me. "Mona, stalker jenta? Jenta dom fulgte deg rundt overalt- å herregud, henne?" (Mona, that stalker girl? That girl who followed you around everywhere and- oh my god, her?) I whisper shout, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from laughing.

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