Sickness and in health

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Chapter 53: Sickness and in

August 4-8, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

I must've fallen asleep because after what feels like years, hands shake my body, having me wake up to the delicious smell of chicken soup.

"Here baby." My amazing boyfriend hands me the bowl of soup and touches my forehead to check for fever. "You're slightly hot, but not burning. Don't think it's a fever." He kisses my temple and gets comfortable next to me.

"That's good. My throat is burning though." I put a good full spoon of soup in my mouth, the warm liquid running down my throat immediately lowering my illness. I moan in satisfaction.

"I'm sorry." Justin rests a hand on my tummy.

I give him a weird look as I continue eating, "Why? You didn't do anything."

"No but I hate seeing you like this."

I finish up the soup which both Justin and I agree on tasted absolutely amazing, seeing as he says he's already had the bowl I was suppose to have when I was sleeping because he didn't want to wake me up. After putting the bowl away, I snuggle closer to Justin's chest, his heart beat relaxing me.

Justin pulls the comforter more over me and kisses my forehead. "Thank you for the soup babe, it was amazing." I mumble.

"No problem sweetie. Glad you liked it."

"Of course I was gonna like it. You did make your grandmas recipe right?"


"Then there's no arguing on that it was going to taste mind blowing good." My sentence has Justin chuckle.

"Okay first, you hadn't even tried her famous soup until this day.." He air quotes famous soup.

"Sadly no, but it's all over twitter on how good it is."

Justin chuckles again, "And second.. when did you start using words such as mind blowing?"

"Too tired to answer." We both laugh. Our laughter soon fades and I kiss Justin's clothed chest before another sleep takes over me.

I wake up a few hours later to the sound of my phone ringing. Lazily, I grab it and answer the call without checking who the caller is.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Honey?" My dad's concerned voice echoes.

"Dad is it really you?" I question. I'm feeling a lot better now, must be the soup's magical powers.

"Yes it's me honey. How are you? Heard you're sick, it's the main topic on twitter or so I've heard."

"Geez, why do people care so much if I'm stuck with the flue for a week or so?" I can't help but stupidly laugh. I don't see why people care so much, how they know even. Who told the world I got sick?

"Oh honey, they care because they personally care for you almost as much as your mom and I do."

"I guess." I mumble but shake my head. No need to be angry about someone caring for me, it's a positive fact. "But to answer your question, I'm okay. Not good but hopefully I won't be sick for more than a few days."

"That's good honey. I just thought I'd call since is been a while since we've talked on the phone. Facebook isn't the same you know.." He sounds sad, upset even. Poor daddy.

"Dad I'm sorry. I'm not gonna come up with an excuse because honestly I don't have any. I've had multiple chances and days where I've been able to call but I just haven't and I'm sorry."

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