The Music Awards

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Chapter 48: The Music Awards

June 9-10, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

"I just talked to Justin." I stare at my best friend with wide eyes, which she returns.

"What?? In person or-"

"No no, on the phone. On Ryan's phone."

"What'd he say?" Brianna asks still in shock and to be honest, I too am in deep shock.

"I don't know, he asked how I was and then it just got awkward in some weird way so I hung up." I bite my nails, something I often do when I'm nervous.

"Stop that!" She pulls my hands away from my mouth, "And please just let me know now and not tomorrow if you're having second thoughts on this Music Award thing because I can cancel now-"

"Don't do that, don't cancel." I answer almost to quickly. "Just ask Demi if she still wants to bring us and if she says yes we'll go."

"Okay, I guess I'll be right back then."
Brianna leaves to call Demi who asked us last week if we wanted to come with her to the Music Awards. You know, she might have changed her mind about wanting us with her.

A part of me - big part of me - really wants to go because, I mean, how cool isn't it to be at a Music Award? But then again, I've heard and read that Justin will be there and I'm not so sure I'm ready to face him again. And to be honest I'm not so sure I'm ever going to be ready to face him again, but if Demi still wants us to go with her, of course we'll go. It would be the polite and mature thing to do.

When Brianna enters the living room again, I look at her just waiting for her to spill.

"She said of course she'll want us there and that there's no way we can back out now that there are already seats with our names and pictures on them." Brianna seems really excited.

"Can you believe this? We actually got our own seats with our names on." I'm loss of words.

"Don't forget the pictures." Bri points her finger at me.

"And the pictures, blah blah." I laugh.

"Demi also said Justin had to call and cancel meaning he won't be attending." Brianna smiles.

I don't say anything, instead I send her a small smile.

"We need to go dress shopping, oh hell, why haven't we thought of that earlier? C'mon c'mon!" I get dragged out of the living room and in to the car, Brianna running back to the house to get our shoes, wallets and coats.

"You're crazy." I chuckle.

"Maybe." She buckles her seatbelt and starts the engine.

An hour later.

Until now I've found a few dresses that hopefully will fit me and so has Brianna. Demi is with us, but she says she's already found her dress so she's just here to help. And of course she wanted to come since we're all friends now.

My personal favorite of the dresses I've found is a A-Line frock layered with blue lace, the royal blue dress hitting just in the middle of my thighs. I don't know if I'm going to choose it, but I sure the hell think it's beautiful, absolutely stunning. Maybe I should try it on, because who knows, I might think other wise then.

"Damn girl, you look gorgeous!" Demi whistles.

"Go get em babe!" Brianna shouts.

I laugh at their comments and look at myself in it. "You think I should buy it?"

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