Where are you now?

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Chapter 12: Where are you now?

July 17, 2013

Hanna's Point Of View.

"Noooo!" My eyes shot wide open and my head flicks up from the desk. I stare right ahead of me and that's when I notice multiple eyes on me.

Students and teachers.

It was just a dream. A nightmare. A terrifying nightmare. Thank God, I can't loose Justin.

"Ms. Roberts, do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" My english teacher, Mr. Johnson asks.

Slowly shaking my head, I sigh and stutter as I speak, "No. I'm sorry Sir."

The clock better tick tick faster.

"Ms. Roberts, is dating Mr. Bieber keeping you away from sleep? You've been really tired lately, sleeping through classes.."

My class mates start laughing and whistling. I shake my head, "No, I'm sorry, it won't happen again."


Justin's driver drove me to school this morning, Justin and I lip locked in the back seat the entire car ride. He thought it was best if he didn't leave the car though because of the hectic all students and I agreed.

When school is finished, I walk out of the class room with a big smile plastered on my face, knowing that Justin should be here by now. He said he wanted to pick me up as well. Isn't he a sweetheart.

The hallways are full of hysterical teenagers and many eyes are on me.

Ever since the truth about Justin and I dating, all the students - including teachers, have been treating me differently. They have been treating me like I'm an royal, which I sure am not.

Boys want to carry my books between classes, girls keep begging for Justin's phone number and they all ask what he smells like, if his skin is soft, what it's like kissing him, how big his dick is and all these questions I don't want to answer nor hear anymore.

Some girls even accuse me of using him. Like what the fuck? I would never do that.

They also call me hateful words. Like, this one girl in a class under me, said "You're a worthless slut." And she calls herself a Belieber. Aren't Beliebers suppose to be family and support each other? Don't they know that I am one of them? I'm a Belieber too.

I try not to listen to their hateful words because I know none of it is true, but honestly... their words hurt.

I'm only human.

Suddenly I hear loud girls' screams coming from outside of the school. Louder than usual atleast. A smile spreads across my face knowing that it's probably Justin. I walk outside.

Butterflies swarm in my stomach as I see him swarmed with girls and boys. His back is facing me, 3 security guards surround him, while he's probably taking some pictures and signing a few autographs.

"Hanna!" "Look it's Hanna!" "Justin look!" Some students start shouting at Justin, both girls and boys. Some fingers are pointed at me.

Paparazzi are here as well getting they're pictures so that when they get to work they can make up a few stories and photoshop some pictures. Pricks.

All the screams get Justin's attention. He turns around to look at me. He immediately smiles and tells his security to come and get me. I smile politely at the security as they walk me over to Justin. An arm goes around me to keep me safe.

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