The Interview

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Chapter 22: The Interview

August 15, 2013

Hanna's Point Of view.

My hands are sweaty, my body trembling nervously. I look to my side, seeing Justin being swarmed by ladies and even men, my guess is they're doing a final check on him to make sure he's ready.

"You're gonna do great Hanna." Brianna puts her hand on my shoulder, comforting me. I breath out a big amount of air, her words slowly soothing me.

"You think? I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

Brianna chuckles, "You're not gonna throw up. You're gonna do great, Justin's gonna be right by your side the whole time."

I nod, "You're right. I can do this." At my sentence, Justin walks over to me and pulls me in to a loving hug.

"Babe, look at you" He whistles once we pull away. His eyes roam over my body, taking in the mid-thigh length yellow dress in wearing with 8 inches black wedges. "You're gorgeous, this dress looks so good on you, I just wanna rip it off of you." He licks his lips.

I shyly smile and touch my big, high, professional bun, only to make sure I look okay and ready to go on stage. I'm still nervous, but feeling Justin's closure, keeps me calm.

"You dirty pig." I mumble.

Justin winks and grabs my hands in his. "You nervous?" Nodding my head, he pouts his lip. "But baby, I'm right here okay? Just hold my hand the entire time and smile. But out of experiences, you're gonna do great."

"5 seconds everyone." A worker shouts and soon, we're on.

"Please welcome the guests of tonight's show, the one and only Justin Bieber and his very beautiful girlfriend "Hanna Roberts." Ellen says enthusiastically to the audience. They start screaming and clapping, though we aren't even on stage, causing me to smile.

Justin and I start walking out on to the stage, hand in hand, our fingers loosely laced together, the audience now going insanely mentally crazy. Some are awing.

"Look at you two, so cute." Ellen generously smiles and hugs the both of us.

"Thank you." I smile once we're seated on the double couch, side by side, our fingers still lazed. I cross my legs, trying to look and do my very best. The room quiets down after a while and Ellen speaks up.

"Hey and welcome. It's an honor to have the two of you on my show, together, as a romantic item."

"Aww." Justin awes, glancing at me for a few seconds.

"And may I add, it's been a while since you've been here Justin. You've been a few times, but this is Hann's first official interview right?" Ellen says.

"Yeah, it's just never been room for an interview. We've been too busy. Yesterday we got back from Oslo in Norway where her family lives, we were there for more than a week. And you know, there's my tour."

"I also got school." I add.

"Oh that's right, you're 17 am I correct?" Ellen asks me.

"That is correct."

"And you visited your family, how was that, seeing them now that you're taken by the biggest popstar in the world?"

"It was.." I stop myself, freezing in my thoughts. I don't remember anything from that vacation. I had an accident at the end of it. Justin senses my thoughts and puts our laced hands on my knee, comforting me. Guess I'll just have to improvise then.. "different."

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