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Chapter 59: 2.0

September 13, 2014

Hanna's Point Of View.

I've never been in a serious relationship. I've never even had a real boyfriend, only lots of crushes and cardboard cutouts.

Now I'm in a relationship with the person I love the most, cherish the most. I wouldn't say trust the most because it can take me up to years to build up that much trust. And after all the ups and downs we've had through our relationship it's going to be difficult for me but I'm sure I'll get there.

He's the most amazing, gorgeous, special thing that has ever happened to me and I don't even want to imagine where I would be if it wasn't for him.

"And then the doctor told me not to lift anything heavy for 2 weeks." He ends his sentence, holding my waist firmly with his big strong hands.

We are currently in my living room and he's telling about something that happend at the doctors office like an hour ago. I think he just hit his arm lightly in a door frame, but he says it really hurts so I don't know.

"And what did you say?" I ask grinning, showing my pearly white teeth.

He stays quiet for a few seconds, before smirkingly mimicking himself from earlier, "Guess I'll have to pee sitting down then."

My eyes widen in shock. Am I hearing correctly? I stare at him until we both burst out in laughter.

"Are you serious?" I ask him as multiple tears fall down my cheeks from laughing so much.

He manages to nod his head yes as he laughs, hard. It's moments like this I want to remember till my last day. His laugh is truly the prettiest melody I've ever heard.

"You dork." I wipe my tears and continue on watching my boyfriend laugh his ass off, which eventually has  him fall to the floor and vince in pain.

And this is what I don't want to remember (Insert sad emoji.)

Once again my eyes widen and my laughter completely fades. I quickly get down on my knees on the hardwood floor next to him.

"Baby are you okay?" I ask worried as I stroke his cheek with the back of my left hand.

He looks up at me, a small smile creeping on to the corner of his lips. "My ass hurts like a bitch." He mumbles.

I hold back my laughing seeing as this is not the right time for my meaningless jokes. 

Instantly getting worried, I lean down and kiss his cheeck softly, causing him to lightly blush.

"I didn't hurt that cheek. I hurt my ass cheek baby, you should kiss it to make the pain ease." My boyfriend goofs.

I hit the back of his head jokingly, but giggle at his cuteness and just admire his handsome face.

He's such a beautiful human being. So perfect. God really blessed me with him and I'm so glad we're back together.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper.

His cheeks immidietely redden by the second, making me smile wider than humanly possible. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss. This guy really has me swooped of the floor.

His lips are so soft and they taste delicious. I could kiss them all day, but unfortunately he breaks that dream for me when he chooses to pull away, although he leaves me grateful when he rests his forehead on mine.

"Babe.. please learn the word sexy" He shyly mumbles. I shake my head and crash my lips in to his again taking him by a surpise, but he sure does not hesitate to kiss me back.

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