Part 2

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Natasha's POV

         I'm back. Ballet. Guns. Training.

It's all here. It's like I never left.

"Take this." Mme. B, my old trainer, the one who tortured me, and forced me to kill, she taught me to kill. I'll hate her forever. "Take this, and shoot them, so you can take your place in the world."

"I have no place in the world." I hear myself say, I didn't even realize I had taken the gun let alone walk over to my victim.  I don't feel it, I don't feel myself raising my arm. I don't feel my finger on the trigger. But before I know it, theres a loud bang as the gun fires, leaving the man in front of me dead.

"Nat," The voice starts of quiet. "Nat!" a little louder "Natasha!" I wake up in a cold sweat, shaking. "Hey, Nat" Steves there, he pulls me into a tight hug, holding me close he whispering in my ear.

After I calmed down a little bit he pulled back and said "Are you ok? Be honest, please." I looked him in the eyes, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, all I could do is nod. "I'm gonna get Tony, I'll be right back" he said as he pulled me back into the hug, I let him.

"Hey Nat," Tony said walking in with a glass of green goo, signalling for me to drink it. "How you feeling?" he asks me as I take a big swig, cringing at the taste. I see Pepper standing awkwardly in the back as if she was trying to camouflage into the wall.

"I'm doing alright," I said truthfully "I've been in worse shape. Steve over there seems worse off than I am."  I say with a smirk as I take another sip.

"You know what Romanoff?" Steve said crossing his arms, annoyed. That just made my smile grow.

"So," I said needing some answers, "how long was I out and why was I out?"

Tony looked at Steve for confirmation, he nodded. signalling for him to continue. "You were out for 3 days." He said not looking me in the eyes, "It seemed like you would've passed out from the cold but, Nat I don't know why you passed out. I heated you up in 10 minutes and then you didn't wake up, so I started to dig deeper. And deeper, until there was nothing I hadn't searched for, anything at all. I, I didn't find anything"

The words swivelled through my head, I way hypothermic, and that's all he knew. Before that we were in Fury's office getting a mission, "The mission." I said looking at Steve.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked walking closer towards me.

"Fury mentioned something after you left," I said looking up at him, horror filling my eyes, "it would've just been a standard rescue op, but it wasn't."

"Natasha what are you talking about?" Tony asked from not far away.

"Steve, we were going into the Red Room." I said as I watched his expression turn form concern, to horror, to rage.

"Red Room?" Tony asked looking between us "I'm sorry, I'm missing something here. Fill me in"

"The Red Room is," I started looking my friend in the eyes "where I was trained, where I was raised. It's where they taught me to kill and to make it meaningless, like their lives never mattered." Tony's expression changed quickly, once he realized what was going on, they were being sent to rescue those who had been taken by the Red Room, for the graduation ceremony. 

Tony's POV

         Pepper and I walk out of the room, I have with every intention of calling Nick Fury and yelling at him but I was stopped by a young witch who could, unfortunately, read my mind.

"No" she said blocking my path.

"Wanda I swear to go if you don't move I will move you" I said putting emphasis on the last part.

"No." she said again as I took out my phone deciding to just do it right there, but she beat me to it, she grabbed my phone before I could even turn it on.

"Wanda give me my phone or I will call on FRIDAY" I said threateningly holding out my hand for her to put my phone into but instead she crunched it up and ordered FRIDAY to not let me call Fury. "Your no fun sometimes" I said walking into Morgans room to see what she and Peter were up too.

"Hey Tony," Peter said without looking up from the tv where he was apparently losing to my 5 year old daughter playing Mario Cart.

"You know you could play that in real life right?" I said pointing to the screen.

"Yeah," Morguna said looking at me for half a second, "this is more fun though." I chuckled a little, taking the remote from Peter to get him caught up a little with Morgan. I leave the room shortly after, just to be stopped by Steve in the hallway.

"Hey Cap." I say walking by, not looking him in the eyes.

"Tony," he says grabbing my shoulder so I have to stop and talk to him. "We need to talk, about Natasha. I know you were lying to her before, you and I both know that she didn't pass out from the stress and from them cold."

I take him into another room, sit him down and explain the situation to him. "She'll be fine, Cap. Eventually." Thats all I can say, I don't look at him as the look on his face would break me.

"What do you mean?" he asks me, I look up at him and shake my head.

"I mean," I start, "I mean she could get better on her own, or she may not get better at all. Right now it's looking like the first one but it could all go south very quickly. That's why she passed out, her brain went into overdrive forcing itself to shut down, to rest, to basically attack itself. But the next time she goes unconscious I will give her a shot that should cure her."

He doesn't say anything for a while, just stares at me. Finally he says "What's it called? What she has?"


Steve leaves the room, heading up the stairs to I presume do some research, I head to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee before settling down on the couch with Pepper to watch a movie.

Steve's POV:

       I go to my room, take out my phone and open google. I type in 'Heamotrostac Disease' my heart sinks when I see article, after article of failed treatment options, often doing more harm than good. I learn that it attacks cells, making her brain work harder, firing more counter measures than it can handle, sending itself into a deep sleep or a coma. Once diagnosed, you have maybe 2 years before you have a massive episode and don't recover. But Tony said he has a cure, he said he can make her better. I trust Tony, I do, but he couldn't be anywhere close to finding a cure. Not yet anyway.

My heart sinks. I can't do this, I can't live without her. I need her. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life, but I do know, that I'm not letting her go, and that Tony better work like hell to save her, before it's too late.


How was this chapter? Hope you enjoyed!


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