Part 54

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Natasha's POV:

My breath hitches as we come in contact with the reason my entire life has been a living hell. The man that haunts my dreams and scars my memories. The being who stripped away my childhood in order to create the worlds deadliest assassin. He is the reason for every shitty thing that's happened to me. And he knows it, he wouldn't be here if he didn't. Dreykov.

He stares at me and I stare back, he challenges me with his eyes and I refuse to back down. Eventually he can't take it anymore and he turns around and walks in another direction, we follow him down another hallway and I feel like I'm going to puke. This was a terrible idea, why did we think this would work?

We walk into one of the old dance studios. There are younger girls, maybe 8 years old, are sitting on the floor with perfect posture while watching the older girls dance, and dance, and dance. Flashbacks cover my vision and I start instinctively picking at my fingernails and cuticles to focus on something else. When I realize what I'm doing I bite my bottom lip slightly and pull my hands away from each other. I haven't picked at my fingers in years, I widen my stance and hold my head up as my hands go to their position behind my back.

The music finishes and the girls who were dancing are released. Either they had only done a couple rounds of the dance or they were given a form of serum that makes their bones stronger. The teenagers sit down in the same manor as the other girls and Madam B comes to the front of the room to address them all. Out of the corner of my eye I see Bucky search the room before his gaze follows Madam B across the room before finally falling on Dreykov who has crossed the room and studied each girl. I remember that look, it's not a good one.

"You all know the legacy of the Black Widow." Madam B starts, "You've heard of what the Winter Soldier has done to correct the world." Bucky stiffens. "They have shaped the past, the present, the future. Their work has been a gift to man kind." There's a catch to her compliments, I can feel it before she even looks over to us. "I wonder, if the Black Widow is still as deadly as she once was. Or if those American's have made her soft." She turns to face me and I glare at her, my expressions towards her haven't changed much over the years.

She gestures for me to step forward but I stay where I am, I don't move a muscle. I might have been terrified of them in the past but I've definitely faced worse now. Guns are cocked and pointed at my head. I know they wont kill me, not now anyway.

"Зимний солдат-" (Winter Soldier) I start but am silenced by Dreykov yelling form across the room for me to 'Dance damn it'. I smirk before walking to the middle of the room as Bucky crosses towards Dreykov and gives him a look saying he isn't going to live much longer.

Steve's POV:

The plane touches down at JFK and I stand up out of my uncomfortable coach isle seat the second the seatbelt sign is turned off. I grab my carry-on from the overhead bin and put on a baseball cap with my sunglasses on standby. I politely thank the flight attendants before stepping off the plane and into the airport terminal, I grab my bag from baggage claim and head in a taxi back to the tower, only having a couple people whisper as I walk by.

I take off my hat before entering the building and greet Gary the security guard with a friendly 'hello' before walking around the corner to the private elevator and heading up to the 78th floor to drop off my stuff. I open the door to my room and see things thrown around the room in my hurry to get everything packed for the 'vacation' we didn't know we were going on.

I put my bags on the floor and change out of my gross plane clothes before I take the stairs 2 at a time towards the gyms where I proceed to punch the living hell out of some punching bags. Apparently someone put a viewing area in the back right corner since I was last in here, I throw a punch so hard that the bag goes flying across the room and hits a treadmill. I go to hook up another bag but I feel a hand pulling me back. I turn around and see Rhodey standing there.

"Not the time, Cap." He tells me and gestures to the small room I am just now noticing. I wave slightly to the large group in the window and turn back around to face Rhodes.

I gesture behind me, "When was that built?" Rhodey shrugs his shoulder.

"I'm guessing sometime over the past what, 5 days?" He fold his arms across his chest and I follow his gaze to where a tour guide is trying to usher out a rowdy group after they stood their staring in at us for a couple seconds after I sent the punching bag flying. "You alright, man?" Rhodey asks me and places a hand on my shoulder.

I sigh and look down at the floor before simply answering, "Yeah, thanks." I give him a small smile and grab my water bottle and t-shirt before walking out of the room and sprinting up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. I head back to my room and take a quick shower before leaving the tower where I walk around aimlessly until I find myself at Central Park.

I walk through the park and pretend to look busy until I reach the tree where Nat and I spent those long nights just a couple weeks ago. It feels like another lifetime. I sit down against the base of the same tree that Nat snuggled up to me against. I think about that day not long after she got out of the hospital, how her one leg was in a huge cast but she still sat between my legs leaning against my chest as we watched the sun rise.

I don't realize how long I've been sitting here until my phone starts ringing in my pocket. I frown at the picture that comes up on the screen before answering, "Hello?"

Bucky's POV:

This is a living nightmare. There's not much else to say about any of this. Nat has been dancing in circles on a leg that could give out at any moment while I have to stand there and watch as murder hungry guards get impatient.

My gaze drifts to the young girls who I know have been through more in their short lives than most would deem possible, let alone fair. The music finishes for a third time and Nat drops her arms out of first positions without permission from Madam B or Dreykov to stop, so more guns are cocked and pointed at her. I push off my spot on the wall and walk over the the nearest guard and knock him out before moving on to the next two people with guns before Nat calls off the Winter Soldier as I have someone in a headlock.

All we need is for them to think that Nat has been screwing the Avengers (which of course she has been) into thinking she's on their side when she has really been gathering information to report back to the Red Room. Of course none of that is true but we need them to trust us. Her at least.

I just want to get the hell out of here before I get used to being the Winter Soldier.

Tony's POV:

"I'm sorry, who called you?!" I yell into the phone.


I feel like these last few have been kind of depressing yet not depressing at the same time idk im tired. Hope you enjoyed and have a great day:)


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