Part 21

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What is this? 2 chapters in 1 day? Little pole at the end I just want your opinions on something:)

Natasha's POV:

Steve fell asleep in my room last night, I'm not exactly complaining as he is like a large blanket draped around me. When I open my eyes I smile at the strong arms protecting me from the outside world. I look up and see Steve staring at me.

"Good morning," I say softly.

"Good morning," He smiles at me and kisses my lips, making me smile bigger. I roll over to look at the clock, 6:28am, most of the team will either be up by now or getting up soon. It's like Steve can read my mind, "5 more minutes, I don't want to move." He squishes his face into a pillow in protest, I smile at how adorable he is.

"No, come on we have to get up now." He groans and turns so he is facing the ceiling. I push him out of bed so he has to get up to go to his room. He walks very zombie like over to the door and gives me an air kiss before he closes it behind him. I get out of bed and throw on some clothes before I head down to the kitchen, I texted Steve saying I was going straight down and when the elevator opened I saw most of the towers occupants in the kitchen eating breakfast.

There's a bunch of "Hey, Nat," 's and "Morning." from around the room, I grab a the last muffin from yesterday and and sit down at the table beside Morgan where we have a very interesting conversation about this show, "Miraculous" which then turned into unicorns and how they actually exist but the trolls are just hiding them.

I'm almost done my muffin when Steve walks into the room, the same thing happens with him that happened with me when I came down except he takes one of the 2 bagels left and sits down next to me. "Agent Romanoff, Director Fury is requesting you in his office." Friday's voice comes over the speakers, I kiss Steve's cheek before standing up and heading to the elevator. There is one floor in the tower where Shield has certain agents work and that is it so there aren't many people there.

It is automatically clear that I am under dressed as everyone is either in suits of some form or blouse and pencil skirt, while I am in sweat pants and a large hoodie that I stole from Steve. I make my way to Fury's office and open the door without knocking as always to see Fury siting behind his desk, Sharon is in one of the chairs opposite him.

"First of all, who let you in here your badge is lower then some Interns. Second what do you want Fury, it isn't even 7 in the morning." I say quite annoyed and dreading what he is about to say.

"I had Director Fury give me a new card when I found out that I could only access the cafeteria, the hanger, and of course, the gift shop." Sharon says with a smirk on her face. I roll my eyes and cross my arms hoping for this to go faster.

"Fury's not the one who gets to decide your badge-" Fury cuts me off

"The reason, Agent Romanoff, is that you will be training Agent Carter for the next 2 weeks while she re adjusts to everyday life."

"And why do I have to do it?" I know there is no use in arguing but I only want to spend as much time as I have to with Sharon. "And I'm already training the new recruits, I have to head down there now actually."

"You will be training Carter after you train the recruits." That's all he says, or it's all I let him say as I walk out of the room, I take the stairs back up to the common room.

I plop down on the couch beside Steve and rest my head on his shoulder, "Do you have a mission?" He asks me, I shake my head.

"I have to train Sharon for 2 weeks." He chuckles a little bit at the dread in my voice.

"I'm gonna go get ready for the recruits and I'll meet you down there, okay?" He nods and I stand up, saying goodbye to everyone as I go I head up to my room to get changed.

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