Part 11

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Natasha's POV:

Walking out of the elevator, I head straight to the bar to grab a drink, knowing I'm gonna need it to get through the night. I take a seat at the bar and order a drink, just as Wanda sits down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me as I sip my drink. Usually the question would irritate me, but considering I was unconscious for a week I can't blame her for asking.

"I'm alright Wanda," I smile at her. "Thank you." She smiles back at me and gets a pop since she is too young to drink alcohol. She wanders off to Vision and Sam as Rhodey walks up to me.

He takes the seat beside me but doesn't say anything, already knowing my answer. "How've you been?" I ask him, wanting to start a conversation.

"I've been good Nat, better now that you've got some colour on your face." He smiles a bit and I chuckle at his comment, taking another sip from my drink. "How 'bout you?" He asks me, taking a sip from his beer.

"Better now that I have some colour on my face." I smile at him and he looks at the ground and shakes his head.

"Good to have you back Romanoff," He says and stands up.

"Good to be back Rhodes." I reply and stay in my seat.

I sit there for probably 10 minutes before someone else comes up to me. They tap me on the shoulder gently and I swivel my stool around to face them. "Rogers." I say cooly looking into his ocean blue eyes.

"Romanoff." He says looking back into mine. He takes the seat next to me and grabs a beer. "It really sucks not being able to get drunk at these things." He says looking over at me with a small smile. I smile back and sip my margarita.

"And it's really great that I can." I say with a wink. I grab my drink and walk over to where Maria and Wanda are sitting, hoping to get the gossip from over the past week.

Tony's POV:
*23 minutes earlier*

"So here's the plan." I say to Steve, Rhodey, Thor, Wanda and Clint. "We go up one at a time, with some time in between of course so she's not suspicious, just having regular conversations."

It turns out I'm not the only one who thought that Nat and Cap were perfect for each other, which is why, against Steves will, we were going to get them together.

"Wanda will go first, playing concerned friend who hasn't checked up on yet. Like 10 minutes later Rhodey will go up with the same goal, but making a little bit more conversation. Almost immediately after he leaves Steve will go up and be all 'StEvE' or whatever. Hopefully after that she doesn't leave so that Clint can go bug her to the point where she tries to kill him and then Steve will pull her off of Clint and Thor will take Clint's side to make her realize the only person she should be with." Steve rolls his eyes dramatically and crosses his arms at that last part, clearly dreading what was about to happen.

The first part of the plan goes off without a hitch, but then she walks away no long after Steve arrives, he watches her go though, which I think was her plan. She walks over to Maria and Wanda, she seems to have a plan in place as she looks over at me and give me a small nod before looking back to face Maria and Nat.

"Well that sucked." Steve says walking back over to the couches that a bunch of us are sitting on.

"Come on it couldn't have been that bad." Clint says looking up at Cap.

"I talked about how I couldn't get drunk." He replied putting his head in his hands.

"Yeah okay," Clint says laughing a little at Steve, "that was bad."

We talk for a while about nothing in particular when Wanda walks over, "How'd it go?" We all, minus Steve, say in unison.

"Perfect." She says with a smirk. "She wanted to know the gossip so I told her about how you didn't leave her side for more than like 5 minutes the entire time she was out, and then I told her the actual gossip cause, well she's Nat. She would kill me if I didn't." I roll my eyes at her, Steve blushes a little bit looking at the floor again to cover it up.

The plan is in motion and now all we need, is for Nat to realize that Steve is who she wants. Everyone knows that Nat and Bruce had a short thing a while ago, but it's time for her to move on and for Steve to get off his butt.

Steve's POV:

I hate Tony. That's it. I hate him.

He is the most annoying person to ever walk this damn planet.

He somehow figured out my feelings for Nat and now thinks he has to set us up for some reason, which is like the worst idea ever.

Although Natasha did ask me to get pizza later, it could either be that she likes me or she is just gonna need something after Tony's ridiculous party. It could easily be either of them. I guess I'll find out later which one it is.

it's about midnight when the party is finally dying down. We all end up on the couches drinking and laughing without much care when Wanda suddenly speaks up, "Let's play truth or dare!" I give her a death stare knowing what she's doing, either no one notices it or they are all ignoring me. Everyone agrees to play and it starts off alright. "Tony truth or dare?" She asks him

"Dare." He says, not even giving it a thought.

"I dare you to buy an entire ice cream company just for the Tower."

"Friday, buy Dairy Queen." Everybody cheers at that;

"Sending offer now boss," Friday's robotic voice replies.

"Thor truth or dare?" Tony asks the god of thunder.

"Dare." Thor replies with an amused look on his face.

"I dare you to give everybody some of your Asgardian mead." Everyone looks at Thor knowing he's not one to back down from a challenge, but also knowing that he never gives anyone Asgaurdian things.

"Alright then," He says, walking over to the bar and grabbing a bunch of glasses. He pours a tiny bit into each glass and hands one to everybody, except Peter and Wanda.

We play for a while, Peter ended up being on the ceiling for the second half and Clint ended up being levitated by Wanda for 10 minutes, which she had a lot of fun with. Tony had to dress up as a wizard, Rhodey had to jump off the second story of the common area, Maria had to prank call Fury and Sam had to admit he was a bird brain, which was probably the worst of them all... for him anyway.

"Capsicle truth or dare?" Tony asks me.

"Dare," I say, feeling brave and drunk from the asgardian booze.

"I dare you and Nat to go in the closet, seven minutes in heaven s-style." He slurs out, obviously drunk out of his mind.

I feel my face start to heat up and I know I'm blushing, I try to force it to retreat but it's no use. I hear Natasha burst into laughter on the other side of the couch as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the coat closet, which is the size of some people's kitchen's.

"How long do you think they're gonna make us be in here?" I ask her, sitting down on the floor, she slides down the wall across from me and shrugs.

We sit in silence for a while, just kinda of looking at each other. Her gorgeous green eyes don't leave my face and my eyes don't leave hers. Eventually she says, "You know, Wanda told me you didn't leave my side all week." She smiles a little bit. I nod and look at the floor a bit, not really knowing what to do. "Thanks," she says, I look back up to meet her gaze and I smile back at her.

Just then my stomach growled loudly, I blush a little bit realizing I hadn't eaten since lunch. Natasha laughs at my expression and says, "You wanna get that pizza now?" I smile at her and nod, feeling like it is the only thing I can do. A couple minutes later the door opens and I help her up. We play a little more Truth or Dare and then everyone heads to bed, but Nat stays here with me.


Sorry fo the late update! How was this chapter? Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed:) Have a great day!


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