Part 7

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Tony's POV:

      Before they even get close to the warehouse, there are shots being fired at them. Clint took them out easily with the guns that are on the jet. Once they get close enough, everyone who can't fly gets out of the jet and goes to their assignments.

It's a similar layout to last time, except more people are going into the warehouse and there are no tanks or giant suits. Most of the teams are the same, but Rhodey and Clint are helping me get inside to find Natasha and Steve. Breaking in the doors there are lots of guns pointed at me and everyone is yelling before they start shooting at me.

While they are shooting I say, "Guys, stop. We gotta talk this through" I shoot them all with the tiny bullets that come out of my suit. "It's a good talk."

"No it wasn't," I hear someone say with a thick accent, along with a bunch of groans in pain.

I continue around the corner, shots are fired, and arrows are shot by Clint who is now right beside me. We check every room we come by, taking out guards and collecting data, but most of the rooms are empty. Eventually we reach a hallway with guards completely filling the walls and anywhere you could possibly walk. Clint shoots some exploding arrows to different points in the hallway which takes out about half of the guards. After a few blast from my repulsers and Rhodey coming in with the giant gun on his shoulder, the rest of the guards are down and we come across a single room with a huge metal door with no handle and no key whole or way to access the inside.

"Now thats a door." Rhodey says as Clint is pushing on the door to see if it's a push, which it is not. 

"Stand back Legolas." I say as a laser starts to come out of my suit. I make a whole big enough for us to fit through and climb through.

Sitting in 2 chairs back to back and holding hands are one Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. "Aw," I say looking at their hands interwind with each other. "You guys are cute." 

"Shut up Stark and just get us out of these." Natasha says rolling her eyes, though there is a small smile on her face for less than a second, you would think you were seeing things.

"Hey Nat," Clint says stepping in with bolt cutters to cut them loose. They smile at each other for a second before Clint bends down to cut the chains around her hands and feet. The metal bar around her stomach is an easy unclip and then Natasha is out. Clint does the same for Steve and then we all duck out of the doorway.

Steve's POV:

       I help Natasha through the door as it is an awkward fit and we've been sitting for days on end. "Took you long enough." I say to Tony when we are heading down the hallway. I raise an eyebrow at all the dead bodies, bullet holes and chard walls.

"Gimme a gun," I hear Natasha say beside me, Clint throws her one and then gives me one as well. I raise my other eyebrow to meet its friend.

"What are you supposed to use? You don't have your shield and there are like hundreds of people in here Cap." Clint says at the questioning expression on my face. Without saying anything I shake my head slightly and load the gun.

We continue down hallway after hallway, looking inside every door we find before Nat stops at one. "In here." She says and opens the door to a room with 1 table and 1 chair in the middle of it. Surrounding the walls are computers and outdated technology.

"What is this place?" Rhodey asks after a moment of us all being in there.

"This, is the room that holds the answers." She says simply walking over to a computer and quickly typing in some commands. "Stark you got a hard drive?" Natasha says without looking up.

"Always." Tony replies placing one on the table beside her. Natasha plugs it into the side and starts to download everything thats on the computers while Clint stands guard at the door, shoot at anyone who even passes the hallway.

"Nat you might want to hurry up a bit!" Clint yells from the door.

"One second!" Natasha yells back pulling the hard drive out of the computer and tossing it to Tony. "We still have to get your shield you know?"

"Yeah, yeah I know." I say as we walk back to the door, "Any idea where that would be as you seemed to get a little tour of the place."

Just as I'm finishing my sentence Natasha nudges open another door, I walk in and see my shield in the hands of a guard who seems to be trying to figure out how to throw it correctly. "He's all yours." I say stepping aside so Nat can walk in, or in this case run full force right into the guys back as he's turning around and swing herself onto his shoulders where she slams her elbows into his scull until he falls to the floor unconscious. 

Natasha looks at my shield which landed face down, the slight curve in it makes it almost impossible to pick up when it's like this so I grab a thin knife that I always have, just for this and slide it under the shield. I pick it up and high five Nat who's smirking stupidly, like my struggle to pick up the shield is a once in a life time opportunity. Rolling my eyes we walk out of the room and see the same guy with the red and black mask standing in front of us.

The man cracks his neck before he takes out a large glowing wand that looks to be powering up. Throwing the shield would be a waist, the guy was clearly gearing up for something and I want the shield to protect myself, Nat and Clint from the blast or whatever happens. Rhodey shoots his gun and Tony shoots the repulsers which the guy doges, but while they were doing this, I see Clint somehow on the ceiling aiming his arrows. He shoots the arrow silently, the guy doesn't even notice until Clint presses a button on the side of his bow making it blow up. The guy flies backwards smashing into the wall and falls unconscious. Rhodey walks over to him, handcuffs him and we start towards the exit, placing small bomb as we go.

Natasha's POV:

"Tony, why is the impact on these bombs so low?" I ask him as I place another one on the wall.

"Because this warehouse is right where all the tourists are. Constantly." Tony replied slightly annoyed.

Steve and I share a confused look, "Tourist? Where are we?" Steve asks still looking at each other.

"Niagara." This time our confused glances are at Tony, "Niagara Falls, you know? The waterfalls? I nod in understanding while Steve still looks a little confused.

"Niagara Falls or Horseshoe Falls?" Let's just say I know my geography and I enjoy watching Steve's confusion intensify.

"We're like what, a half mile from Horseshoe Falls." Tony looks at Clint and Rhodey for confirmation, Clint nods in agreement.

"We're in Canada." I explain looking back at Steve, "Just passed the boarder."

He nods and we continue on our way thorough the hallways, placing little bombs every 30ft or so. Eventually we get near the door, Steve is dragging Mask throughout all of this when like 100 guards storm into the room, surrounding us, they all have huge machine guns cocked and ready to fire at any second. They seem to know that the bullets wont penetrate Rhodey or Tony's suits as they are mostly pointing their guns at Steve, Clint, and me.

"Well-" I start before I'm cut off by Stark pushing me, Steve, Clint and Rhodey to the ground when he takes out a laser and brings them around. It doesn't kill the guards but makes them so unconscious they might as well be.

Standing up I nod at Tony , I shoot a Widows Bite at the one guard who has stood up, he falls to the ground.

And then everything goes black.


Hi! Sorry for the late update. This is really bad I'm so sorry, hope you enjoyed it though. Have a good day!


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