Part 26

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Steve's POV:

The doctors lead me out of the waiting room and towards what I can only assume is the ICU as the doors are sliding glass and there are machines everywhere. Dr Grey warned me that Natasha isn't going to look very good, that she has a tube in her throat and wires coming from every direction. No amount of warnings could prepare me for what I saw in front of me.

Natasha is lying on the hospital bed, skin paler than ever. The only indication that she is alive is the steady beep of the heart monitor in the corner. My legs give out and I fall to my knees and sob. A minute later I walk over to Nat, "Hey, Honey." I whisper. "You're going to be okay. You're gonna be just fine Tash." I pick up her hand and press my lips against it. "I love you Nat, you're going to be okay. I love you. I love you." I start to cry again.

I continue to whisper to her until the doctors come back in. "Mr Rogers, we need to talk to you about her surgery." Dr Shepherd says in a soft voice. I nod, not taking my eyes off of Natasha. "Any surgery right now is risky for her. But no surgery is more risky. It will be one surgery with 2 different procedures. With where her brain bleed is I can get to it while Dr Grey explores her abdomen."

 I don't say anything. "It will be a very long process. I'm not going to tell you not to worry, because you will. You will worry." Dr Grey continues. "It will be very hard on Natasha's body and there is a risk that she will not make it out of surgery. We will do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen, even if she does make it off the table there is no guarantee that she will wake up." Again I don't look away from her, I don't nod, I don't move.

"Mr Rogers I know this is a lot to take in but-" Dr Shepherd starts, I cut her off.

"Give me the papers." I mumble, somehow she understands what I said and hands me the papers, I read them over carefully before signing them and handing them to a nurse.

"It's time to take her up now." Dr Shepherd says, I follow them as long as I can holding Nat's hand until they stop outside of a door. "I'm sorry but this is as far as you can go." Her tone hasn't changed since I first met her.

"I'll see you later, Nat." I kiss her forehead, tears threatening to fall as I do so. And then they take her through the doors, Dr Grey looks back at me and gives me a slight smiles as I watch them go.

I don't know how long I stand there for, everything is numb. Eventually I find my feet moving without my bodies command. I end up in heading towards the waiting room which now has 2 Shield agents at the doors, they open them for me and I walk through. I don't know what I was excepting but it wasn't this.

The room is flooded with people, Avengers, Shield agents Natasha likes, even the little Barton kids are here from Missouri. Some people come up to me when they see I've come in. I don't hear what they say, I don't see their faces, I don't feel them touch my shoulder or pat my back. It's like my body has betrayed me, like it wont function without knowing she is okay. I walk past them and head out the other exit, I have no where to go but I need to be away from them. I find a secluded corner, away from everybody, and sink against the wall onto the floor. I tuck my knees up to my chest and burry my head in them, I feel like a child. I cry. I cry until there is nothing left to cry and then I just sit there. Staring at the nothingness that is the wall in front of me.

Wanda's POV:

I watched Steve walk in, I read his mind, there was nothing there. He walked out, I was going to follow him but decided there was no use. I walk over to Fury who's sitting in the corner talking to Maria.

"Have you found who hit them?" I ask, I notice my accent slipping back threw the shield I built to block it out.

"I have." He says, looking me straight in the eye. "It was quite simple really, between dash-cam footage, security cameras, and bystanders I was able to get several crystal clear shots."

His tone is slightly off, like there is something more to it then he is making out. "Well who was it? Do we know them?" He doesn't bother lying to me, we both know I could just read his mind and get the information just as easily.

"That, you do." He stands up from where he is sitting. "And she has a history of trying to kill my agents in the past."

I stare at him, connecting the dots in my mind I walk out of the room and down the hallway I saw Steve go down. It doesn't take me long to find him sitting against the wall in a corner. I sit down beside him, he doesn't seem to notice I am there and that is okay.

We sit there for a while eventually I say, "Fury knows who hit them," I'm not expecting an answer, or even any movement. All he does is blink. "He's sending out a team later today to find her." Again no reaction. "I'll be right back okay?"

I sit there for another moment watching him. I sigh standing up and head back to the waiting room. There seems to be even more people in here then before, I head over to one of the only free chairs and stand up on it. "This is what's going to happen." I yell into the crowd, my accent has come back out and doesn't want to leave. "All Shield agents who are not on duty, leave now. If you do not live in the tower you leave now." I spot Ned and MJ in the crowd. "Ned, MJ, little Bartons you can stay." I raise one of my hands and fiddle around with my magic so they know I am serious.

People start to file out of the room, soon it is just the Avengers, Maria, Fury, Clint's family, Ned and MJ in the room. I go back out to where Steve was sitting and pull him to his feet, which was a big struggle because he didn't help me at all. I walk him back to the waiting room, the agents open the doors for us and we walk in. This time nobody comes over and I lead Steve to a chair in the corner, he sits down, I leave him to be on his own.

I take a seat beside Bucky, "How's he doing?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "Not good Buck, not good." I've regained some control over my accent, I lean my head on Bucky's shoulder and close my eyes for a minute.

We sit for a while, talking about different things, eventually Bucky stands up to get a coffee he asks if I want anything, I ask him to get me a latte. A couple minutes later he's back and hands me the coffee. We sit for a few more hours. Steve still hasn't moved.

And then, Natasha's doctors walk in, they walk straight over to Steve. Steve lifts his head when he realizes they are there. We are close enough to him that I can hear what they are saying, "Mr Rogers, Natasha is out of surgery. There were some complications though."


Oh my god I'm not gonna lie I teared up a little editing this ahhhhhhhhh have a good weekend:)


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