Part 52

922 32 29

Roses are red, this chapter is shity, please don't give up on it, quickly

Natasha's POV:

"Готовы соответствовать." (Ready to comply.) Of course everybody here know's what we just said, we are in the outskirts of Russia, probably about 2 hours outside of Moscow.

With those words Bucky goes full Winter Soldier on all the guards and soldiers that surrounded us just seconds before. I don't have to lift a finger and they are all down a minute later. I give Bucky a sad look before starting our walk towards the base. We continue walking and come across a few more guards along the way, none of them last much longer.

I hear Bucky mumble something under his breath and do my best to ignore it, knowing I wasn't supposed to hear what he said. I step over a log and shoot a sniper in a tree before the base starts to come into view. "This is it, no turning back now." I say quietly to myself and let out a puff of air before cracking my neck and putting back on my Black Widow death stare.

I feel a sudden rush of anxiety as we get closer to the doors that ruined my life. Bucky notices the increase in my breathing and gives me a small nod, knowing that there are cameras everywhere. They know we are here, now it's just a matter of time before they put bags over our heads and bring us inside.

The second I finish that thought I hear the sound of Bucky's vibranium arm gearing up as he punches someone and holds someone else in a headlock, this is the only way to keep our cover.

"Встань." (Stand down) I continue with the Russian knowing it was the main form of communication with the Winter Soldier. Bucky releases the guards and sacs are put over both of our heads. I count the steps we take once my feet hit the hardwood floor. 12 straight through the doors, left, 15 straight, right, 26 straight, down 20 stairs, 15 straight. Then I'm thrown from my feet and the bag is removed from my head.

I stand up and smirk at the guards, "I'm kind of surprised you didn't make me walk in circles." They stare at me then close the cell door and lock it. It's a small poorly lit room with nothing in it besides a couple security cameras and a small window 12ft in the air with several metal bars covering it. Even if I wanted to see something I wouldn't be able too as it is completely covered in the same rose bushes from all those years ago.

I pace for a while even though I know it's useless, they are going to leave me in here for hours possibly days before anyone makes contact with me. I sit down in the corner after the small bit of light from the window is gone and the only source of light in my cell is a single slightly flickering lightbulb. I clear one corner of spiderwebs and sit down knowing it's going to be a long night, and a longer day tomorrow.

Bucky's POV:

I'm not surprised they split us up. They lead Nat down one hallway and me down another. I'm forced into a chair and metal restraints are placed on several different parts of my arms. Flashbacks to hydra flood my vision as more and more guards enter the room.

'Stick to the plan,' I remind myself in my head. Truthfully, I'm not a very good actor. Luckily the Winter Soldier doesn't really talk so all I have to do is stare at one place on the wall and not move my gaze.

This place is a lot more rundown then I remember. The main areas are the same but here, the basement, the cells. They're very different. Everything used to be bright and metallic, now it's dark and dungeony.

I pick a spot on the wall and don't move my gaze at all, I don't move, I barely blink. I don't react to the people around me. As far as they know Natalia is my current master, and the Winter Soldier never betrays his master. It's a curse really, but today it might be helpful.

I ignore everyone who come near me, not like I could do anything to them anyway. With the restrains, my supposed orders, and that I just don't want too, I'm kind of stuck to this chair with people snapping in my face, poking me and trying to prove I'm not in Winter Soldier mode. None of their methods work and eventually most of them leave.

The room is now empty besides a few random guards standing around with large machine guns. There's no windows or clocks in the room so I have no sense of what time it is. My guess is a couple hours at least. I just hope Nat's doing okay.

Steve's POV:

Is it bad that the first thing I did after the quinjet left is go to the gym and ruin 10 perfectly good punching bags? Maybe. Did I yell at every agent in the gym to leave? Yeah, I did do that. Not my finest moment I'll admit. I'm mad. I'm mad at all of this, everything that's been happening. Nat and I were good, finally after everything that's happened recently, we've been good. And then those Russians show up and ruin everything.

I punch and I punch until I feel like I might pass out. I take a sip of water and re-wrap my hands before setting up a new bag and throwing another punch. I keep punching until the force of one of my blows sends the bag flying to the ground. I look up at the clock and realize how long it's been. I pack up my things and leave the room, ignoring the looks I get from people I pass in hallways, in the elevator, the parking garage. I get on my motorcycle and head towards the bridge and through downtown before turning into a random parking garage and heading to Nat's apartment.

I set my bag down on the floor and look around the apartment, coffee mugs still sitting on the kitchen counter and breakfast dishes everywhere. One of Nat's shoes are in the middle of the living room and a sweater is thrown over a kitchen chair. It's a mess, but it's a good mess. I walk into the bedroom and see the messy unmade bed, the dresser is half open with different shirts and pants spilling out. Normally this would all drive me insane, but, right now I couldn't care less. I flop down on the bed so my arms are stretched out and my stomach is facing the ceiling.

"Come back soon, Nat. I need you." I mumble to myself before closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.

Wanda's POV:

Steve didn't even notice when I called out to him, or tried to get his attention in the gym. He didn't even flinch when I yelled in his ear. After failing to get Steve's attention I got in an Uber that took me back to my hotel where the all inclusive buffet was still going on. I loaded up several plates with pastries and fried goodness before heading to my room and binge watching 2 full seasons of Modern Family in bed while eating my bodyweight worth of junk food.

Eventually I must have fallen asleep as Netflix show's the 'Are you still watching?' screen and it is now light outside. I sit up in bed and decide if I'm going to sulk I'm going to need a tub of ice cream and a hot bath.

Tony's POV:

I'm not really sure what just happened. The quinjet left and Steve went and terrified some agents while Wanda racked up a tab on my credit card and Clint set something on fire. While everyone else seems to go insane I head back to New York to be with my family, if the whole team isn't together then I want to spend time with the most important people in my life.


Ok so this was completely random idk what happened... it was going to go one way but then it went another without me knowing...

on a completely unrelated note, i woke up 10 minutes ago and i have class in 5 minutes so... thats fun

idk hope you enjoyed:)


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