Part 56

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I was motivated so I wrote and entire part during online school... oops

Clints's POV:

"What do mean we can't come?" Tony asks me after I debriefed everyone and the alarm was turned off.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Because Tony, the message was very specific. Agents only. If she wanted all of us there she would have sent for all of us." I pace around the room, fed up with all of their questions and comments. "Look, we're waisting time. I've already got 2 quinjets sent out and I have to go now, I'll update you." Steve shoves a piece of paper in my hand before he walks towards the elevator, already knowing I'm not going to let him come with us. I sigh and walk away before Tony can say anything else and before anyone can yell at me. I signal for Hill to round up the last of the agents coming and we take off less then a minute later.

The quinjets are on full throttle so it should only take us about 20 minutes to get from DC to to the Red Room base, hopefully Nat can keep herself alive and occupied until then. I send last minute information to the other 2 jets and shortly after we are hovering a quarter mile from the base.

Hill walks up to me right before the doors open, "If anything happens to them I'll kill you." She warns me.

I look at her and put the comms in my ear, "Yeah well, I'm guessing there'll be a line." I shrug and put the last of my arrows in the quiver as the ramp opens and we flood onto the grounds of the base.

Maria gives me directions and gives orders to different agents from the quinjet as we infiltrate the base. I shoot an arrow at someone in a tree and they silently fall to the ground, reluctantly I pull the arrow out of his chest and put it in a separate section of my quiver that will clean it and have it ready for re-use. There are judging looks on everybody's faces, "If there's anything I've learned from all the alien invasions and robots wanting to take over the world, it's that you can never have too many arrows." With that we keep running closer to the base therefor getting us closer to Nat and Bucky.

"Alright, blow it up."

Natasha's POV:

We round a corner to find even more guards, how is it even possible that there are so many guards in this place? I shoot one of them in the back and pull the trigger again but the magazine is empty. I mutter a bunch of curses before tossing it to the floor and waiting for the first guard to come at us.

Knowing how these guards work is a blessing, they always carry guns but never shoot unless specifically told to by someone higher up in the food chain. The first guard comes straight for me and Bucky keeps the others occupied while I dodge a punch and kick him in the side. He groans and leans over from the impact, I use this to my advantage and get on top of his shoulder smashing my elbows into his skull before I flip him to the ground unconscious. This time multiple guards come at me at once and it's harder to get them all down. Bucky does his best to back me up but mostly he attempts to shield the little girl who got us out of that room. Once the three men who are currently on me are on the ground there's just one guy left. Apparently I didn't knock someone out enough as I'm stabbed in the leg. I cry out and fall to one knee as I punch the guy square in the face, knocking him out for a long time. The guard in front of me uses this to their advantage and charges at me but falls lifeless to the ground before they even get close to me. I look over to Bucky who's pistol is still up and pointed to where the guy was standing just a second earlier. I give him a grateful smile before pulling the knife out of my leg and attempting to stand once again.

"Where the hell are you Barton?" I mutter under my breath, as if on cue a large section of the wall is blown to pieces as Clint walks in surrounded by many agents. Right next to Clint is none other than the infamous Quake. "Johnson." I nod at her.

"Romanoff, Barnes, random child." She replies and furrows her eyebrows in confusion when she sees the little girl standing behind Bucky.

"Someone take her back to a quinjet, we'll take her back to New York with us." I bend down so I'm on her level. "Привет, милый, как тебя зовут?" (Hi sweetie, what's your name?) I ask her.

"Lydie," She replies very timidly as she looks over my shoulder towards the agents.

I smile at her, trying to get her to focus more on me. "Lydie, меня зовут Natasha. Ты пойдешь с ним, хорошо? Он собирается привезти вас в Америку. Ты будешь в безопасности, хорошо?" (Lydie, my name's Natasha. You're gonna go with him alright? He's going to bring you to America. You'll be safe, alright?) Lydie looks hesitant but nods her head and walks over to the agent I pointed to and they walk out of the building after I briefly give him orders and they walk towards what I can only assume is where the quinjets are.

"I don't think I've ever seen a kid so obedient, I don't even know what you said to her." Clint asks me as we watch them leave.

"If she wasn't so obedient she would have been dead a long time ago." I reply and walk through the hallway towards Madam B, Dreykov, and Taskmaster's offices. "You may as well just shoot them all, not to kill. We need them." I stop outside of a door and shoot one more guard before counting down on my fingers for Daisy to Quake down the door as it looks like a normal wooden door but is actually has about 5 inches of pure steel in the middle.

Daisy raises her hand to blast down the door but right before she can do so there's a high pitched scream followed by a gunshot from where we just left. Without thinking I sprint back in the direction of the scream.

Steve's POV:

It seems to be becoming a habit where I stand in the training room blaring music as I punch sand bags over and over again. Often times forgetting to wrap my knuckles. She's in good hands, she has to be. Clint's there, he wont let anything happen to her. That Daisy kid's there too, the one that Nat likes, she's a good fighter. If anything goes to wrong she can just vibrate the hell out of the earth. None of my internal reassurances do anything to calm my anxiety as the punching bag snaps off of the chain and falls to the floor. I run a hand through my hair and sit down on the bench with my head in my hands as I try to calm my breathing.

I wipe away a stray tear that escaped my eye as the gym door opens, I look up and see that it's Wanda. She sits beside me and rests her head on my shoulder as I wrap and arm around hers and take a deep breath.

Hill's POV:

"Natasha?!" I yell into comms, "Natasha come in, what is happening?" I tap away at the screen in front of me, it's giving me mixed data that I don't trust. "Natasha!" I yell once more.

"Shut up, Hill!" She screams through the comms, "Come on, come on, come on." I hear her mutter, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before bringing up camera footage and seeing everything I need to see.

I push the button sending a signal back to Avengers Tower.


Should I make a sequel to this book once it's finished? Or should I give it an ending that would be either very satisfying or impossible to continue? I don't know, let me know:) Thanks for reading have a great day!


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