Part 37

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Why is it that I always get ideas for these in the middle of class when I'm supposed to be working? This was written during French performance task so this better have been worth it

Thor's POV:

These Midguardian's have no respect for what I do for them. I only ask for a small bit in return. "Do you remember last Saturday?" I ask Stark as a look of realization covers his face. "That's what I thought." I let him go and walk around the space, he seemed to have been working on a helmet of some form, nothing he hadn't done a thousand times. "Care to explain?" I ask him as I pick up a hanging thing before trying to put it back but just knocking others down in the process.

"You left last Saturday." Stark shrugs as he walks towards me and puts all the hanging things back where they were. "We didn't know when you would be back."

I cross my arms, "I was gone for one week, Stark." I watch him cross the room.

"And Natasha was unconscious for 2 months, a lot has happened recently." He picks up an electronic device and starts to poke at it.

I give him a threatening glance, "Stark,"

"Fine! We thought you would be gone for longer! We were gonna replace the pop-tarts okay?!" He 'yells' at me.

I walk over to him and look down, "No one eats my pop-tarts." My arms are crossed over my chest, making my arms look bigger then they actually are.

He has a slight smirk on his face when he replies with, "Nat ignoring mandatory bed-rest does."

I start to leave the room, I call mjölnir to my hand and call over my shoulder, "4 boxes of chocolate, 8 strawberries in one hour!" I hear him chuckle as I step into the elevator and head to the training floor, if I can't eat pop-tarts I may as well beat something up.

Natasha's POV:

I half woke up to the loss of my human radiator. I shiver at the loss of heat and groan slightly, I hear the door close lightly before Steve gets back in bed, one of my arms automatically goes to his chest while my other arm holds tightly onto his duvet, while my head buries itself in his chest. He holds me by my waist, pulling me closer to him he kisses my hair and whispers in my ear before I fall back into a deep sleep.

*Le time skip*

I wake up to Steve nudging me, whispering for me to wake up. "Nat, Natasha you have to wake up now." He whispers into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I slowly open my eyes, "Hm?" My eyes land on a stressed looking super soldier. I sit up, "What's going on?" And that's when I see Clint come out of my closet, suitcases in hand he runs out the door. "Steve?" I ask getting worried.

He attaches the wheels onto my cast making me even more worried as he disapproves of them, "We gotta go," Is all he says before he helps me stand up and puts a hand on my back, leading me out of the room and towards the elevator. Clint joins us in the elevator with a bunch of packed bags, tactical gear, weapons, along with Steve's shield. "Hanger 1," Steve says and the elevator starts moving up towards the Avengers quinjet and Starks jets.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Either the tower is under attack, everybody is already out and there is no chance of saving it, or Stark is up to something. The doors open up revealing most the Avengers and their families, I raise an eyebrow at Steve. He just smiles at me and places his hand on my lower back to lead me into the large room. The only people who aren't here are Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. T'Challa and Shuri are here from Wakanda, Clint's whole family is here again, even Scott and his daughter Cassie are here.

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