Part 42

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Steve's POV:

I wake up to the alarm going off. Natasha is wrapped around me and groans at the sudden noise. I lift my head off the pillow and slap my hand around until it hits the alarm. 6:00, why do we have to wake up so early? The park doesn't open until 9 and Stark said something about leaving the hotel at 8. I rest my head back down on the pillow and look over to Natasha as she squishes her head deeper into my chest to block out the small bits of early morning sunlight seeping through the curtains.

"We have to get up, Nat." I whisper into her hair, she groans again and pulls herself closer to me. I get a text on my phone, I ignore it but then I get 3 more 10 seconds later. Nat unfurls herself and sits up in bed, bringing the comforter with her. "Why do we need full suits, Tony?" I ask out loud, Natasha turns her head at that.

"What?" She croaks, her morning voice seeping through before she clears her throat and stares at me. I pass her my phone so she can see the texts. "Damn it, Tony." She says under her breath and types something as a reply.

She gets up and heads to the bathroom to have a shower, grabbing her catsuit as she goes, while I lie back down and close my eyes. I open them when I'm hit in the head repeatedly with a pillow. I see Nat in her suit with her hair still damp and in a little bun on the top of her head. I smile at her, "Hello, beautiful." She glares at me for a second and hits me again with the pillow. "I'm up! I'm up!" I say and sit up in bed and kiss her cheek, I put on some sweatpants before rummaging through my stuff.

"It's in the closet." Nat tells me, I look up at her slightly confused, "Your suit. It's in the closet." I stand up and kiss her.

"Thanks Nat." I smile at her, she returns it, "I love you." I pull her in for a hug.

"I love you too, baby." We hold each other for a minute, soaking in this moment before this day becomes one we regret. "Now go shower before Stark busts in here and drags our asses to our theme park." I laugh and peck her lips before I grab my suit from the closet and head into the bathroom to have a shower. When I get out I put on the suit and put a small bit of product in my hair. I don't have the boots on so the whole outfit looks off, quite silly really. I step out of the bathroom and Natasha looks at me, clearly trying to hold in a laugh.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." I say walking over to her, she shakes her head.

"You look ridiculous." She giggles and I smile, I've never heard her giggle before. Not sincerely anyway, not like this. She goes up on her toes and pecks my lips before heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I put the boots on and tuck the small bit of extra fabric into them, now the suit looks more normal. Stark texts me again, "Nat, we gotta go." I call out to her, she comes out of the bathroom, hair and makeup half done she gives me a confused look. I gesture with my phone signalling that I got a text. She rolls her eyes.

"Give me 5 minutes." She says heading back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. She comes out exactly 5 minutes later, before I can say anything she takes my hand and drags me out of the room, barely giving me enough time to grab my shield, towards a group of very tired looking Avengers... and then there's Peter who look like he's been up for hours.

I walk towards Tony, "Tony. Why, why do we have to be there so early?"

He puts his sunglasses on, "I don't know, that's when they wanted us there. The others are going to join us later." I assume he's talking about Laura, Pepper and all of the kids along with Shuri and the Guardians who aren't here.

"What about Peter?" Natasha asks, Peter looks up at the mention of his name.

"What about me?" He asks looking around the group.

"Yeah, what about him?" Tony asks looking equally confused.

Nat looks at them like they are dumb, "The world doesn't know his identity, Stark. What are you planning on doing with that?" She crosses her arm and leans more weight on her leg that doesn't have the brace on it.

Tony just now seems to realize that part of the situation. "Peter, go put your suit on." Peter still looks slightly confused but goes to his room and comes out a minute later wearing his black and red suit. We walk towards the elevator and get in, Natasha yawns and leans against me until the doors open and she puts back on the mask of the public.

Tony walks up to reception and comes back a couple seconds later, we stand there for a moment and then a bus shows up. We file into the bus taking seats in random places. Nat takes a window seat and I sit next to her, Bucky sits next to Wanda, Tony and Rhodey with Peter not far from them and so on.

The bus starts to move and we head off towards the park.

Tony's POV:

I probably should have told the team what we are going to be doing at Avengers Campus, I'm sure they have figured out that we aren't just going to be enjoying the attractions and walking around the area. But they definitely don't know the extent of it.

When Disney came to me with this idea I was slightly reluctant at first as it could have something to do with our personal lives. Eventually, I agreed to let them build the area and said that we might be there for the opening of the attraction. They took it as we will be there and set up a full thing, I'm not even sure what they have in store for us. I got everybody to sign a bunch of things but they usually don't even look at what they are signing when I give them the papers. I don't know why the executives want us there so early. The park doesn't open until 9 and we like to sleep in on our days off.

The bus comes to a stop and I see Steve nudging Natasha like she had fallen asleep on the short trip here. We all get off the bus and are greeted by someone with a clipboard and a large headset.

Everyone looks to Cap for our next move. "Don't look at me, I was told about this 20 minutes minutes ago." He puts his arms up and brings them back down a second later to prove his point. Now they are all looking at me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm assuming we follow this guy." I point to clipboard guy.

"That would be correct Mr. Stark. If you would all follow me you're late and have somewhere to be." Nobody moves at his words. Just kind of looks at him.

"And where would that be?" Cap asks in his Captain voice from his spot in the group, he moves to the front and looks him dead in the eyes.

Clipboard clearly doesn't care that half of us could kill him by barely lifting a finger. "Look, I could either stand here and go over everything with you, or we could get a move on and maybe still start on time."

I glance back at the group. Wanda has tilted her head, Nat has a murderous look on her face, Bucky just look the glove off his metal arm, Clint is playing with an arrow, Rhodey has a very unamused look on his face and Peter has shot a web to a light post and is now hanging upside down.

"You might want to go with the first option." I say and walk to the corner of the group, Friday's in my sunglasses and I want the scoop of what is happening, I don't trust this guy clearly the rest of the team doesn't either. "Friday scan Clipboard over there, he's hiding something."


Wow yet another little cliffhanger:) I feel so evil sometimes


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