Part 53

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Natasha's POV:

I wake up on the cold, hard ground to the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall. I stand up in the cell and crack my back and my neck and hear the satisfying pop of my bones. I instinctively roll my shoulders back and away from my ears at the sound of high heels coming down the hall. Why did I do that? I force away the thought as the person gets closer to the door. The lock is unlocked and in steps a woman accompanied by 3 guards.

"Madam B. It's been what, 15 years?" I take a step closer to her and a guard unleashes a taser stick and points it at me. 'So this isn't going to be easy, okay then.' I think to myself and cross my arms over my chest.

"You have not changed, Natalia." She takes a step closer to me and I don't move. "Why don't we see if that's a good thing." With that I block a blow directed at my head just to be tased by 6 different tasers at the same time. I fall to the ground and they continue to tase me until I pass out.

I wake up strapped to a chair in a different room. This one doesn't have a security camera or any guards in it. 'Strange,' I think to myself. The only bounds on my arms and legs are rough rope that I can easily break out of. After a quick internal debate I get to work on removing the rope around my wrists, it takes a minutes but eventually the strands break and I untie my feet. Instead of running towards the door like any normal person would do, I stay in my seat and count down the seconds until Madam B comes back in.




Right on cue the door opens and she walks in accompanied by more guards then I can count, they all point large guns at my head and I know that's my cue to stand up and follow them out the door. Someone presses the barrel of their gun into my skull as we walk and I can very easily see that their finger is on the trigger. Good to know they're willing to kill me at any second. This just means they don't necessarily need any of the information I could give them. That could either be a good thing or a really, really, bad thing. I haven't decided yet.

We walk into another room and they force me to sit down on a larger metal chair, guns still pointed at my skull and one pressed into it. "Why are you here?" Madam asks me, straight to the point. Good to know she hasn't changed.

"I think you know why, Madam B." I smirk at her, there's no use is saying more as I know she's about to monologue about how I betrayed them all and deserve to rot in hell for 'abandoning' 'my country'.

"You think you are so smart, Natalia." Here it comes, "Coming back here, after all these years with the Winter Soldier serving you. Not even speaking your mother tongue. How dare you."(From now on (this chapter anyway) italics are Russian cause I'm too lazy to put everything into google translate)

I smirk at her before answering, "You want Russian, you can have Russian. But you're not getting the Winter Soldier." I wiggle my eyebrows just to annoy her

Fury flashes over her face as she glares daggers at me. When I was younger that look would be enough for me to roll over belly up like a dog. It takes more now. "Why are you here?!" She screams at me, I don't flinch knowing that's all she wants from me. Instead my smirk grows.

"You know," I start, "You're really not as intimidating as I thought you were. I could change that, get those girls into shape. Make them comply." It's the last thing I ever want to do. But it's the only way they will trust me, I'd rather get it over with now than sit in a dark cell for the next month.

She growls a bunch of curses in different languages that I assume she think I don't understand, she walks away and I follow her down the hallway and around several bends before I stop in my place. She glares at me again when she realizes I stopped walking. "Get me my soldier."

Steve's POV:

I sit up in bed and stare at the wall in front of me. I look to my left and see the Natasha shaped indent in the pillow. I sigh before getting up out of bed and wandering through the bedroom towards the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe I can rinse off the sleepless night. It doesn't seem to work as I stand in the shower until the hot water runs cold, I half expect Natasha to be standing outside the door with a smirk on her face before I remember that she's gone. That I won't see her gorgeous smile for god knows how long and how I won't lay sight on those emerald green eyes of hers for long enough to make me go crazy.

I walk into the kitchen in just a pair of sweatpants and grab a bagel from the counter and put it in the toaster before pouring myself a glass of orange juice and wandering around the apartment to find my bag. I see it in the corner by the front door, where I dropped it yesterday when I first got back from HQ. I walk over and grab a shirt before going online and buying a plane ticket back to New York. There's no use in staying here, Tony already left, no ones gotten in contact with Wanda, Clint went back to his farm. The only reason to stay would be for missions, I doubt Fury is going to give me any anytime soon. This just makes the most sense.

I book the first flight back and start packing my things, leaving most of Nat's stuff where it was when we left yesterday but taking a few things with me. I look around the apartment one last time and grab Tasha's leather jacket from the couch and shove it in my bag. With that I leave, closing the door behind me I lock it and head down the 4 flights of stairs and make my way to the airport.

Clint's POV:

"So has anyone heard from Steve or Wanda?" I ask Tony through the phone. I got back to my family early this morning but haven't been able to relax.

"No," He replies, "Although according to his bank records, Steve just bought a plane ticket to JFK. And Wanda's been ordering enough room service to feed most of Sokovia, you know, before we blew it up."

I quirk my eyebrows before replying, "They seem to be handling this differently. Wanda's eating her feelings and Steve's running away from his problems."

Tony grunts from the other end of the line, "If Cap was running away he wouldn't go to New York. He would go to, I don't know Canada."

This time it's my turn to grunt, "I can see the headlines now, 'Captain America or Captain Canada?'" I put as much sarcasm into my voice as possible before Lila comes up to me with a bow and arrow. "I gotta go Tony, update me." With that I hang up the phone and spend time with my kids.

Bucky's POV:

Nat walks into the room, the same one I haven't moved from in probably close to 24 hours. I've barely moved a muscle. "Winter Soldier?" She asks, "Ready to comply?"

I move my gaze from the spot on the wall to her eyes. "Ready to comply." I stand up and crack my neck waiting for what would be orders if I was not conscious of what I am about to do. 'My therapist is going to love this.' I think and follow her out the door. Guards surround us, riffles drawn and pointed in every direction. Waiting for us to make a wrong move.

We walk up a set of stairs and down several hallways before coming face to face with my worst nightmare.


Mostly written at 1am by a stressed sleep deprived me who chose to write this instead of doing homework so I hope you enjoyed:)


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