Part 18

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Wanda's POV:

I know I told Nat I wouldn't do this anymore, but I couldn't help myself. She's been acting weird for the past couple days, so I took the opportunity of everybody being distracted by fresh bagels and muffins to read her mind. The entire time we were sitting and eating her breakfast she was thinking about the tall blond soldier to her right, and a walk that they took earlier, a kiss by a tree, and even something that happened in the middle of the night. I smile to myself, knowing her secret. I head over to Steves mind, unsurprisingly, he is thinking about the same things. Except he is worried about Natasha, I shouldn't keep going, I know that, but I can't help myself. I move to Tonys mind, he's thinking about an equation he can't solve, not very interesting. I want to know some gossip. I go to Peters mind, he is like the last person I would think about reading but I'm feeling bold. He is thinking about a project he has to do, somebody named Flash, and how Morgan keeps beating him in Mario Kart.

I chuckle slightly to myself, luckily nobody notices and I continue eating my breakfast. Once a couple people have gotten up and left I put away my dishes and head to Natashas room where I sit on her bed and wait for her to come up.

I sit there for a few minutes, thinking about what I am going to say to Nat when she comes up. Just as I'm starting to formulate a plan the doorknob turns and in walks Natasha, Steve basically attached to her lips. They definitely do not know I'm here, I'm not sure if I should hide, sneak out or make them aware of my presence. I chose the third option, I clear my throat and they immediately stop, slowing turning their heads towards me.

"I just came to bug Nat about this but this is much better." I say, my accent coming through with me smile, I stand up. Cap blushes red as a tomato while Natasha gives me her signature death glare.

I start to walk to her door but before I leave I pat Steve on the back twice and whisper "Nice." into his ear, which just makes him blush even more. I open the door and walk across the hall to my room.

Steve's POV:

As soon as Wanda leaves the room I look at Natasha, I can't tell what she's thinking I don't even know what I'm thinking. She just walks over to me, places a kiss on my cheek and pushes me out the door. "See you in 10." She says and closes the door. I head to my room and put on my training clothes and head back down the hall to Nat's room. She walks out just as I get there, as always, and we head to the elevator.

"Are we gonna talk about what happened?" I ask her as we step into the elevator, heading to the training floor. We are supposed to be training some new Shield recruits today.

"I'll talk to Wanda later tonight, and I think we just need to ask Friday who's on the floor when we start making out." She says with a smirk. I kiss her forehead right before the doors open and we head into the most basic of the training areas.

"Line up." I say as we walk in.

"Today we will be focusing on hand to hand combat because you all suck." Natasha say beside me. Theres a chuckle from one recruit. "You, you got a problem with that?" She asks him as she walks over to him.

"Yeah, actually I do." He says. Wrong move, she's gonna kill him.

"What's your name, Agent?" She spits at him.

"Walace, Mark Walace, sweetheart." Another wrong move. He's not going to survive. He looks down at her with a seductive glance that enrages me.

"Well then, Agent Walace." She holds out her hand to him and the second his hand makes contact with hers, she flips him onto his back and pins his arm. "You were saying."

"That's enough Romanoff." I say, we always make sure to address each other formally in the presence of newbies, hoping they to address us as such. She releases him and walks back over to me. "You're going to be split into 4 different groups. You will make your way through the stations, you 3 are starting with the punching bags. You 3 will be doing resistance training. You 3 are going to start in the ring with Agent Romanoff while you 3 will be in the simulations. We will switch every 20 minutes. Head to your stations." I say and pull Nat to the side for a minutes as the recruits head to their stations. "Go easy on them."

"Yeah right," She smirks at me. "I'll go easier on them but I wont go easy. The only way they will ever be somewhat decent is if I push them to their breaking point."

I chuckle a little bit and look up to see everyone at their stations. "Alright, begin." I head over to the punching bags and hook them up to the ceiling before I put different waits on the resistance station and head over to the simulations where I put them in different situations. I look up from what I'm doing to see Nat take out an Agents legs and pin him to the ground. I chuckle knowing thats the least she is willing to do. After 20 minutes they switch and I start the whole process over again, this time Walace is in the simulations so I put him in the hardest newbie one and he is dead in less then a minute, I knock him down 5 levels and he manages to survive for maybe 5 minutes. Eventually I put him on the first level and he miraculously survives.

After they have gone through all of the stations I give them a 10 minute break, there is still 30 minutes left in the session so I let them work on whatever they want to. "Captain?" I turn around to see a young recruit behind me. "It doesn't seem fair that we all got beat up by Agent Romanoff and you just stood there the entire time."

"He's right, Cap." Natasha says coming up behind me, she motions to the ring and starts to walk towards it. "It's not faire."

I shake my head and move towards the ring, I take off my shoes and socks and climb in. The recruits all move towards the ring to watch our fight. "Your on Romanoff." I say and crack my neck so she knows I'm not gonna go down easy. I get into a ready position and one of the recruits rings the bell, indicating for us to start.

We shuffle around for a moment waiting for the other to make the first move. Eventually I throw a punch which she blocks and goes to kick my side which I knock down but she uses the momentum from her first kick to strike me in the side with her other leg. I sweep one her legs out from under her and she kneels on the ground, I go to take out her other leg but not before she takes out both my legs sending me to the floor. She pins me down and I manage to roll out of her grip. I jump back on my feet and manage to get a couple of kicks in, so does she and we continue pinning each other and escaping for a long while until finally someone speaks up.

"Alright you've been doing this for like 45 minutes, can we go?" I don't look away from Nat, we continue fighting.

"You're dismissed. See you tomorrow." They all shuffle out of the room while Nat and I continue sparing. Once they are all gone I end up pinning her for real, to the point where she can't move. "I got you." I say and smile.

She smirks at me and leans up, kissing my lips. My grip on her hands automatically loosen and she rolls out from under me, pinning me as she does so. "I got you." She says.

"That's cheating." I complain as she lets go of my wrists and stands up, I get up and grab one of her arms as she tries to leave the ring. She turns her head so she is facing me and I pull her in close to me. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks into my eyes, I look down into her emerald orbs that perfectly contrast her fiery red hair.

"Your sweaty, Soldier." She try's to pull away, "It's gross." She squeals as I pull her closer to me, eventually I let her go and we start to walk to the elevator to go up to our floor to get ready for the day.

We are walking to the elevator when Hill comes up to us, "Do you guys remember Sharon Carter?" We both nod our heads, "Well she's been on a mission for the last two years and is supposed to be returning later today." Natasha and I look at each other, Sharon is one of those people who easily gets obsessed with something... or someone. "I was hoping you two could get her back in the swing of things, she isn't going to be staying here but she has an apartment near bye and is probably going to be here most days."

I look back at Natasha, they never really got along and I can't really blame her. What I don't understand is why Sharon's going to be here when she works for Shield.


Hehe I thought this was kinda cute:) Hope you guys enjoyed it have a great day!


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