Part 13

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Natasha's POV:

This is everything I need. I never even knew it. How could I let myself fall for him?

I step out of the elevator to see Peter frantically running around, Morgan in a giant snow suit, Pepper trying to get Peter to calm down, and Tony watching it all unfold.

"What in the-" Steve starts, but is cut off by Peter screaming at the top of his lugs, ending up on the ceiling.

"Peter did you have coffee again?" I ask, not really expecting an answer.

"Oh, thank god you guys are here! WHERE WERE YOU?" Pepper yells coming over to us.

"We went out for pizza." I state simply, crossing my arms and praying no one asks any questions.

My prayers were not answered, "At 2 in the morning? And since when does pizza take 7 hours to make?!" Pepper half screams at us, clearly very stressed.

"Relax, Pepper." Steve says, putting a friendly hand on her shoulder to try to calm her down a little bit. "We went for a walk." He adds that last part while heading over to the kitchen.

Pepper gives a questioning glance but decides to drop the topic, I head over to where Peter is hanging upside down on the ceiling. After 10 minutes of trying to get him down, he finally get off the ceiling and before he can run away again, I toss him the key to the storage room so he can get his winter stuff.

I watch him sprint up the stairs, and then I head to the kitchen where Steve is eating an apple. I set down my coffee and looked at him, slightly confused. "We had breakfast like a half hour ago, how are you hungry?"

He just shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite. Just then Peter comes flying down the stairs with maybe everything that was in the storage room, theres jackets, hats, gloves, boots, a bunch of toboggans, some ski's and a snowboard spilled all around the room. He then threw on a jacket, which I believe is Steve's from the size of it, and a random hat before picking up Morgan and running to the elevator. I look at Tony hoping to get an answer of what just happened.

"I told Peter we would go sledding." He put down his coffee mug and put on a jacket and grabbed a couple sleds and met Pepper by the elevator.

"Well that was chaotic." Steve said as he threw the core of his now finished apple into the garbage.

"Come on," I say and grab his hand. "We're watching Lilo and Stitch."

I feel him grin at me as I pull him towards the couch. "I thought that was gonna be a movie marathon."

I roll my eyes at him as I plop down on the couch, I turn on the tv and head to Netflix. We scroll through for a while before we finally land on something, it's not a movie but we end up binging an entire season on Greys Anatomy, so we basically watched 3 movies. "Wait so let me get this straight, HE'S MARRIED?!" Steve yells at the screen. I laugh at how into it he has gotten after only 9 episodes. Just then the elevator dings open and Peter, Pepper, Morgan and Tony walk into the room, covered in snow,

"What happened to you?" I ask them, walking over.

"Wanda followed us and dumped a ton of snow on us." Tony says annoyed.

"So thats where she went,"  Steve says getting up from the couch and walking over to us. "She left around episode 3."

"Cap, here, " I say patting his shoulder, "is obsessed with Greys."

He rolls his eyes at me, "I am not, I like it a normal amount."

"You yelled at me when I tried to turn it off after 4 hours of watching it."

"You guys know I've been here the entire time right?" Clint says dropping out of a vent.

"Jesus, Clint!" I say jumping a little when he lands right in front of my. "Anyways, who's making dinner?"

After way to much debating I ended up making dinner, we barley had anything in the fridge, the only things we really had was taco seasoning and ground chicken. So that's what I made, tacos. We were all sitting around the dinner table when Steve said, "Disney marathon tonight, apparently I have watched, like, nothing."

This of course, made Morgan very excited, along with Peter and Wanda. Everyone else was fine with it but I could tell they were all secretly excited. Once everyone was done dinner, I made the boys clean up dinner, seeing as I made it, and we all headed up to our rooms to get into cozy clothes.

Steve's POV:

Somehow Nat and I always walk out of our rooms at the same time. This of course is the case of tonight. She's wearing grey sweatpants and a t-shirt that is way to big for her, "Isn't that mine?" I ask her, pointing to her shirt.

"Oh shut up, Rogers," She says as we walk towards the elevator.

"How did you even get it?" I ask her, genuinely confused.

"I have my ways." She says simply as we walk into the elevator, the doors close behind us and she moves into my arms. It seems like this has become a pattern, I'm not exactly complaining though.

When the doors open, we head to the theatre where everyone is waiting for us. I sit down at my usual spot on the couch, Natasha sits next to me and snuggles up under a blanket, leaning on my shoulder. We let Morgan pick the first movie, as she usually falls asleep not long after the second one starts. She picks Moana, the movie starts and Peter, Wanda, Tony, and Nat sing along to all of the songs, I see Clint filming in the corner. When the movie is over we put on Peter Pan, I knew the story of this one but had never actually seen the movie. After that we watch Lilo and Stitch, as Natasha requested. Then we watched Wreck it Ralph, and Tangled before we watched Frozen where everyone in the room sings all of the songs, except me cause I don't know any of them. And then we finish off the night with the Lion King, Thor had eaten 4 box's of Pop-tarts by the time the third movie started. Surpassingly this wasn't even our longest marathon. By the time the last movie ended, it is close to 3am and everyone is exhausted. Nat and I are the last to leave the theatre, we walk over to the elevators and I'm basically holding her entire weight as she leans against me.

The elevator doors close behind us and she basically falls into my arms. I hold her close and kiss the top of her head. She looks up at me and I look down at her. We lean towards each other just enough for our lips to touch lightly. We pull apart and the elevator dings open, "Want to watch more Grey's Anatomy?" She asks me, I laugh as it's 2:45 in the morning and we stayed up all night yesterday.

"Goodnight, Nat." I say when we get to her room, mine is just down the hall a little bit.

"Goodnight, Steve." She says and then goes into her room, closing the door behind her, I walk to my room and flop on my bed with the biggest smile on my face. There is no way I'm sleeping tonight.


Ok, this was awful but I hope you enjoyed, what do you think is gonna happen with Steve and Nat? Please leave your review! Hope you enjoyed and have a great day:)


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