Part 9

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Steve's POV:

It's been a week. I think, I can't really tell. Tony comes in so much taking her vitals  and drawing more blood, like once a day he gives her something, I don't even ask what it is anymore. I haven't left her bedside for more then 20 minutes consecutively. I can't leave. If I leave something is going to happen. If I leave she will never come back to me.

Clint stays in here for a while with me. Always when I get up to go to the bathroom and for a couple hours in the night when he thinks I'm sleeping. I haven't slept since that second night, the one where Tony came and went every 5 minutes. The others always come in to check on me and see how Nat's doing, but I know they are really just trying to get me away for a little bit.

I don't watch tv, or look at my phone. I can't read and I barley eat, just enough to keep my strength up and get the others off my back. The only thing I can really concentrate on is Natasha. I'm holding her hand, watching her chest rise and fall along with the steady beep of the heart monitor in the corner.

"It's going to be okay, Nat." I whisper into her hand. "Everything going to be fine."

Her face is pale and her hand is cold, her red hair is all over the place and her lips are chapped. Yet she is still the most beautiful woman in the world. I can't stop staring at her, it would be creepy is she wasn't in a coma but right now anyone who looked in would just see a worried friend.

I look up at the clock, 2:48am, I need to sleep I know that. But I also know I wont be sleeping until Natasha is awake and okay. Stark walks into the room, seeming excited but I don't really notice. At this point I ignore his existence as he is probably going to get more numbers and poke her arm full of more drugs.

"Why the sad face Capsicle?" He asks me as he steps towards me. "I think I've got something."

I look up at him as he says the last part, it can't be true right? He hasn't even been close for over a week and now he suddenly has a cure for Natasha? Maybe I'm dreaming, I haven't slept in days I could have hallucinated it.

"What?" I ask him still second guessing if he actually said it.

"I got it, it might not wake her up but it should stop her from going like this again, at least it should give some warning." Tony says walking to the other side of her bed and sticks a needle in her arm, slowly pushing a clear liquid into her veins.

I watch it go in, not saying another word. I trust Tony, he wouldn't give her something unless he was 100% sure it was safe. Her heart rate goes up a little bit when Tony is injecting the needle and stays that way for probably 10 minutes while her body gets used to this new foreign object.

Eventually Clint walks in and I quickly head to the bathroom. I come back and sit back down in my chair next to her bed. "How you doing?" Clint asks me, a worried expression on his face.

"Fine." I say and smile a little bit. Even I know I'm not convincing anyone. I have large eye bags, my hair is a mess, I haven't showered in 4 days and I've been wearing the same t-shirt for the past week.

"Mhm," He says crossing his arms. "Right, keep telling yourself that Cap." He sits down in a chair opposite from me and takes out Natasha's phone, I recognize the thick white case with the black spider on the back. Despite having extremely fast reflexes and is probably one of the most coordinated people on the planet, she drops her phone probably 10 times a day.

Clint toss's me her phone, I see that Twitter is open on the screen. "You should update people, I've posted a couple vague tweets but that's it." I nod and he walks out of the room.

Having a limited amount of characters is going to be tough, there's so much to say and not enough characters to write it all. After reading through what Clint has posted over the past few days I get a sense of what he has told the public and how much should/could be said.

The first tweet reads, "After an incident during a mission, Natasha Romanoff has been injured
-@HawkeyeOfficial" That was posted 6 days ago, before when we thought she would be awake quickly like the last time. Oh how we were wrong.

The last one says, "Natasha is undergoing treatment for her injuries, she is doing well
-@HawkeyeOfficial" 4 days ago, that was a lie, the most treatment she had gotten at that point was for her bruises which were already starting to fade.

I stare at the screen for a while, not really knowing what to write eventually I type out, "Natasha's condition is unchanged, thank you for the thoughts and prayers
-@CaptainRogers" Clint included a picture of her, which I'm guessing he took while I was in the bathroom, in the first tweet. I decide to put one in mine as well, she isn't on oxygen or have a tube down her throat so the public would just think she was sleeping when the picture was taken, her skin is a little pale so I put a neutral filter on, hoping no one will notice and start thinking she's dead.

I post the tweet and put the phone down beside me. I sigh a little bit as I grab her hand so she knows I'm still there. There really isn't much else I can do. I've told her everything I can think of. 

Natasha's POV:

I'm sitting on the couch in Avenger's Tower, curled up on the couch under a blanket that I'm sharing with Steve. My head is resting on his chest and everyone is around us watching a movie. I notice that Steve isn't even looking in the direction of the TV but is looking down at me. I ignore it and continue looking at the tv, although I'm not really watching it, the only thing I hear is Steve's heartbeat and I only feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

Eventually the credits role and Steve and I walk towards the elevator to go back up to our floor. Clint is with his family right now and Wanda usually stays downstairs after movie night. The doors to the elevator click open and Steve and I walk in I hear him say "Floor 78." The door slides closed and he steps closer to me, wrapping his arms around me and I do the same. Steve kisses the top of my head before I look up at his crystal blue eyes. Before I even have time to react he kisses me softly on the lips.

We stay like that until the doors open and we walk to our separate rooms. I open my door and climb into bed.

Steve's POV:

I bring her hand up to my lips, I kiss it softly and look at her pale sleeping face I whisper so quietly to the point no one, barely even I can hear myself say it. But I do. I whisper, "I love you Natasha, come back to me. I love you."


Ahhh Steve! Thanks for reading! How was this chapter? Do you think Nat is going to be ok? Have a great day!!!


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