Part 58

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Natasha POV:

Maybe it's just the feeling of having Steve back, but suddenly I have a new found burst of confidence I didn't have before. Daisy agreed to not tell anyone about us, even though it's probably time we tell people. It has been 4 and a half months since we first got together, although we've been apart in some way for almost 3.

Steve and I walk down the dimly lit, narrow hallway side by side while Johnson is a couple steps behind us. I smile up at him right before we come to the end of the hallway. I take a deep breath and push lightly on what would be a wall but I'm assuming is another expensive looking painting.

The door opens to reveal a room similar to Madam B's except it is larger and has a large wooden desk in the back corner. I quickly scan the room before stepping out and fully examining the space.

Steve walks over to one side of the room while Daisy goes to the other, I walk towards the computer on the desk and proceed to work my way into the system.

"People always seem to forget that I'm a hacker, it was literally how I survived for years." Daisy says, I look back at her for a second before focusing back on the computer.

"And I was raised in this hell hole." I mutter and download as much information as I can. I look up and see Steve staring at me with the eyebrows of disappointment, "What? It's true and you know it."

"There's no one here." Steve says walking up to me, he leans over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. He wraps an arm around my waist and I smirk.

"Easy there, Soldier. We've got an audience for once." I see Steve's face go a bright red and Daisy shifts uncomfortably on the other side of the room. Steve clears his throat and walks away clearly wanting to die in this moment. "Clint how's it going with Lydie?" I ask into the comms.

There's a pause over the line, "Well it could be worse, so there's that." I hear Steve ask Johnson who Lydie is.

"What does that mean Clint?" I ask him as the last file downloads onto my hard drive.

"It means," He sighs, "It means she's not crashing anymore but we've replaced her entire blood volume and can't figure out why she's loosing so much damn blood."

"Well she was shot at, thrown in a rose bush and probably a lot more in the past hour. Look beneath the surface. Quite literally." I tell him and pull the hard drive out of the computer. "And make it quick cause we're about to blow this place up."

I hand the drive to Daisy who puts it in a protective cover on her utility belt. I walk over to the main door and raise my gun as Steve counts down to open the door. The hallway is clear so we quickly walk through, checking every door we pass and stopping at every sound. Admittedly that last part is mostly me. Steve keeps asking if I'm alright and I just keep smiling and nodding even though my heart stops whenever a pebble is kicked against the wall. So much for that confidence boost.

"Cap, get your people out of there." Tony's voice comes through the comms, there's more gun fire from outside and I look over to Steve who puts one finger to his ear to communicate with everyone.

"All agents, fall out. I repeat, fall out." Steve uses his 'Commanding Captain' voice that makes me smile seeing him in his natural habitat.

A couple minutes later we are almost out of the building when several people come charging at us from every direction.

Steve's POV:

I'm not quite sure where they came from, but suddenly there are at least a dozen guards coming straight towards us. I automatically take the three coming from the left while Nat goes for the ones coming from the right, leaving Quake the ones coming head on. I dodge a punch from one guy while I kick another, I use my shield to block a strong blow aimed at my head and shove the shield into one of the guards knocking them unconscious on the floor.

I continue to fight my other attackers until I hear a grunt of pain from behind me. Instinctively I turn at the sound of Natasha crying out, my attackers use this to their advantage and punch me square in the jaw I throw my shield and it ricochet's off the wall hitting them both in the back of the head making them fall to the ground, no longer moving.

I turn my attention back to Nat who's hunched over in pain as she receives another blow to the abdomen. Daisy is still busy with her group so I rush over to provide backup for Tasha. I throw the shield hitting a guards and making them stumble back, giving me enough time to kick another one into the cement brick wall behind them. I continue to fight them until Johnson is done with her people so she comes and quickly Quakes them into the next room.

Breathing heavily I look to my left and see Nat hunched on the floor with blood slowly making it's way out of a wound in her stomach. I bend down and stroke her cheek before attempting to lift her up from her fetal position on the ground only for her to squirm out of my grip forcing me to put her down.

"Nat-" I start but she cuts me off.

"No," She says, "I can take care of myself, Steve." I raise an eyebrow at her and cross my arms, "I can walk okay, the doors right around the corner anyway," I give her a sceptical look but eventually I nod and and wrap her arm around my shoulder so I can at least help support her weight as we walk out of the building. Agent Johnson goes and joins her friends while Nat tries to get out of my hold, I give her a stern look and she backs down as I take her to the nearest quinjet.

"Barton," I call out when we get close. He turns around and rushes over to us. "Please tell me everyone is out."

He nods, "Everyones out."

"Good," I bring Nat to the medical bed and force her to sit down to get the large gash in her side checked out. "Stark? Light it up."

"Stay away from the east side, Tony." Nat says firmly into the comms, "Stay as far away as you can." When Clint and I give her a confused look she explains, "That's where the dorms are. That's where all the girl most likely are right now, so unless you want to be responsible for the deaths of 50 or so children I'd stay away from the east side of the building."

There's a pause before Tony answers, "Noted." A couple sections later the building is being blown up. I kiss Tasha's hair and hold her close as we watch the building go up in flames.

"Where's Lydie?" Nat asks Clint after about a minute of silence.

Bucky's POV:

This is a sight I've been waiting to see for a long time, this big, old mansion up in flames with as far as we know Dreykov still in it. Although he probably escaped when Shield first got here. It's still satisfying to see this place of pain and suffering up in flames.

"Wanda's been going crazy this last month." Tony walks up beside me.

I smile a little bit at the mention of her name, "Is there anyone left inside?" I ask after a minute of silence.

"Agents are around the east side getting the girls out." I nod my head at his words.

"Don't let them..." I trail off, "Don't let them end up in some prison."

"No," Tony shakes his head and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Never." I give him a small smile and we walk towards the quinjet that I saw Steve take Nat into. We load everything thing up and everyone gets on before we take off in the direction of New York.



Only one more part in this book ✋ 😫

I'm make a sequel what should you call it? I need ideassssss

I liked writing this one:) hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day!


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