Part 51

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Natasha's POV:

It's been two days since everybody unwillingly got on board with the plan. Bucky and I are supposed to leave today. There's no telling if we will be let into the Red Room or if they will kill us on the spot. Melina and Yelena are staying in DC, they've cooperated this far and even given us more details than I thought would ever come out of their mouths. Hopefully they will continue to help the team so Clint can send me a message with new information and Bucky and I can come home earlier.

"I don't want to go." I tell Steve as we sit on the balcony of my apartment drinking coffee as the sun rises over the horizon.

"I don't want you to go." Steve puts a hand on my thigh and looks over to me. I look back at him and see the pain in his eyes, I cup his cheek with my free hand and kiss his lips. He pulls away and kisses the base of my ear before kissing his way down my neck and towards my shoulder. Steve's t-shirt slips off one of my shoulders and his lips rest on the skin.

"Tell me this isn't incredibly stupid." I say putting my coffee down I grab his face and force him to look at me.

"This is incredibly stupid." He replies and a small smile flashes across his face for half a second. "But we don't have any other options." I nod and lock his lips with mine once again before pulling back to look into his bright blue eyes.

"I will always love you, Steve. So much. Never forget that."

"Why are you making it seem like we're never going to see each other again?" I can't tell him that if everything goes right, then we probably wont. I can't. Instead I look down at the ground as my eyes fill with tears, Steve places two fingers under my chin and tilts it up so I'm looking at him again. I swallow trying to keep the tears from falling but I can't hold them in any longer, I let one fall down my cheek and Steve wipes it away with his thumb before pulling me closer to him. "I love you too, Tasha. So much."

I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest and let the tears fall, Steve's face goes to the crook between my shoulder and my neck and I feel a small wet patch forming on the t-shirt. Eventually I pull back from the embrace and look into his now very red eyes, I grab his face and wipe away the last remaining falling tears with my thumbs before kissing his cheek and standing up. I give him my hand and pull him to his feet before grabbing my coffee and walking inside hand in hand.

Tony's POV:

Red and Barnes leave today. Everyone was called out of Disney yesterday and filled in on the plan. Peter, and Morgan are back in New York as they have school, Pepper went back with them. The Barton kids and Laura left at the same time and the Guardians left as well. Shuri and T'Challa went back to Wakanda after Shuri got a look at some of Shields tech and tinkered with things without permission resulting in her pissing off a bunch of scientists when she fixed something they had been working on for months and got herself kicked out. It was a chaotic day.

I walk through Shield headquarters with Wanda, Bucky, Clint, and Thor looking completely out of place and like none of us should be there. Except Clint, he somehow is wearing Shield attire and looks like he's supposed to be here. Maybe because he is supposed to be here? I'm not sure at this point.

We step into the elevator and Barton tells it where to go. "Mr Stark, Sergent Barnes, Ms Maximoff, and Thor do not have clearance for hanger one."

Clint replies to the AI, "Avengers override, Barton, Clinton F."

The elevator says, "Confirmed." And it starts moving upwards.

"Avengers override?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he shrugs.

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