Part 20

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Sharon's POV:

2 years ago, right before I went on this dreadful mission, Steve and I were getting pretty close. Unfortunately we couldn't keep in contact while I was away as it could ruin the mission. It went on a lot longer than expected, there were lots of unfortunate events that happened some my fault, others not. I haven't seen, spoken too, or heard from Steve Rogers for 2 long years, those are 2 years I plan on getting back.

As the jet nears the hanger I'm told that Steve and Romanoff will be waiting for me, I perked up at Steve's name but sink back down when I'm told Natasha will be there as well. I make a plan, and if everything goes according to my plan Steve and I should be a couple by the end of the day, or at the very least the end of the week. Preferably the first one though.

The jet lands and I confidently walk down the ramp, I hand my bags to someone I can only assume is an intern and walk towards Steve. I keep my eyes on him and don't even look to see if anyone is around. Once I am a couple feet away he opens his mouth to say something but I want to be in control of this, so to shut him up, I kiss him. I can tell he's taken aback, wants to get away the whole deal. I keep him there as long as I can until eventually, he pushes me away.

"What the hell, Sharon?" He yells at me. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't expect him to yell.

"What do you mean, Stevie?" I put on my best 'hurt' look, which is only partially false.

He rolls his eyes at me, clearly he's been spending too much time with Natasha if he is actually rolling his eyes. "Whatever, let's just go." He throws a keycard at me and turns, walking away with the one red head who could keep me away from Steve.

They walk towards the elevator, I loosely follow them just barely able to make out their conversation.

"What about Marvin's? Over on 6th?" Natasha says. What is she talking about?

He nods, "Or we could do Ratatouille? I think it's new in town." Oh. Oh hell no.

"We could do random 2am pizza place." She looks at him smiles, he smiles back. I feel the steam coming out of my ears at how casual they are together.

They walk into the elevator and I follow them, "Ground floor." Steve says, I turn around to face him.

"What I don't get to stay here for a while?" I bat my eyelashes at him, hoping he'll change his mind.

"No, we're sticking you in a cab and then heading to meetings." Natasha replies, I glare at her, she gives a stupid smirk. I turn back around and wait for the doors to open. She really thinks she can take Steve away from me doesn't she? The doors open and the spy and the soldier walk out before me, I follow them as they make their way to the main entrance and out the doors. They seem to have already called me a cab as there is already one waiting by the curb. They stand at the top of the stairs and don't even say anything as I'm walking away. Rude.

My plan is already off track, I may need to fight harder than I originally thought to get Steve. I take out my phone, "Hey, I'm gonna need a favour," I say into the phone. Natasha is going to pay for what she is doing, Steve is mine. I'm not going to stop until I get him.

Natasha's POV:

"Do you know when Clint's coming back?" I ask Steve as Sharon is walking away, we only have a short window to be out here before the press realizes there are 2 Avengers standing right outside.

"Um, not really sure but he should be back sometime in the next couple of days." He looks down at me and smiles, I smile back at him and then I notice there is a reporter running towards us.

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