Part 48

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Just realized I was supposed to post yesterday, sorry bout that. I'm going to sleep now since it's 12:30am and i have no more energy to be awake

Natasha's POV:

The quinjet lands after a short ride from our DisneyWorld hotel to the Triskelion in DC. I paced the entire flight knowing it would be my only time to prepare and freakout about what is about to happen. Steve and Clint give me room to do so and only bring me out of my thoughts when I have to sit down for landing.

The jet lands in the hanger and the three of us walk down the ramp, we are greeted by several agents who give us information I already know. None of what they are telling us is very true, the only thing that sounds right is that neither of them are talking. Eventually I speak up, "They wont respond to torture, they wont crack under interrogation, and they definitely wont just give you the information you want." The agents all look at me as I give them no other explanation or even change my expression. "What are the names they gave you?"

I look to the youngest looking agent, "Sarah Jennings and Melinda Grant." I almost snort at the aliases.

We turn a corner and continue walking down the hall, stoping in front of a large door. "I'll go in, catch up a little bit. Confirm they're still working for the KGB the works." The agents who walked here with us look sceptical and so does Steve but he knows I'm going in no matter what. Clint gives me a look that says everything he needs to say, I give his a slight nod and walk into the room before anything else can be said.

Sitting in a metal chair at a metal table with her hands handcuffed to the table is the blond that had my elbows thrown into her scull not long ago. "Hey Yel, what have you been up to lately? Besides trying to take me back to Russia of course."

She gives me a half smile, "Of course." Yelena uses a fake accent and seems to have a cut on her head that recently stopped bleeding as her blond hair is slightly stained with blood. "What have you been up too, sister?" She tilts her head to the side.

I sit down in the chair opposite her, "Oh you know, alien attack, murder robots, fought a space grape a couple times. The usual." I lace my fingers together and put my elbows on the table, propping my head onto my fingers I look at Yelena. "Unlike you, Yelena I was able to get out. And I was better because of it. I've used what the Red Room taught me for the greater good, I've done this for years."

Yelena shakes her head, "You haven't used it for good. You use it for destruction, and murder. You haven't changed, Natalia." I stand up and walk to the door. "You're still the assassin they made you to be. Soon enough, everyone will know it, see it, and Dreykov will have his revenge." With that I turn around and smirk at her.

I walk up to my sister and pull something out of my pocket and place it on one of her wrists. Around it forms a much more secure bound, one that she wont be able to get out of. "So, Dreykov, he's the one who sent you?"

Yelena looks slightly taken aback before leaning as far back as she can in her chair with the restraints on her hands, "Damn, I forgot how how good you are, Natalia." She gives up on the American accent she was using earlier.

I smirk knowing she didn't forget, "And you are too, Yel. What did they do to you that makes you willing to be captured?" I ponder out loud as the gears turn in my head. I walk over to the door, "Have fun in your cell, sis. Oh, and my names Natasha." I smirk at her before banging on the door so the guards will let me out.

When I walk out I walk over to where Clint and Steve are standing, they're watching a monitor and look up when I walk over, "Why did you come out? We didn't get everything we need from her." Clint says as I get closer to them.

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