Part 50

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50 parts omg, before we get into the chapter I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's voted, commented, and stuck around for this long it means the absolute world. I seriously cant believe that this has over 13.6k reads that is insane! Thank you so much for everything, this book has been so fun to write and it's not even over yet don't worry, enjoy:)

Steve's POV:

Clint, Nat, and I meet Wanda and Bucky at the hanger. They don't know much right now and they need to know everything that has been going on. From what Natasha got out of both Yelena and Melina to those files Fury found and how the Red Room has been tracking their every move for years now.

We take them to Fury's office where we explain everything, Bucky doesn't seem too surprised that the Red Room and KGB still has tags on him but Wanda looks mortified by what we told her. "But I was never at the Red Room." She looks over to Nat.

She takes a deep breath before continuing. "We think Hydra and the KGB were working together for quite a while, so when Hydra fell the Red Room got ahold of their files and have been tracking you ever since. They just... never stoped with us." Natasha gestures to Bucky and herself. It doesn't make too much sense to me but, there's not much I can do about the situation.

"What do they want with us?" Bucky asks the group without looking at anyone.

Clint mutters, "I'm guessing they want to make you their super secret pet psychopath again." I shoot him a glare, "Why do people keep looking at me like that?" Nat rolls her eyes.

"No, that's fair." Bucky says, Clint gestures like it proves his point. Nat and I both stare at him now.

"You've been spending too much time with Tasha." Clint tells me, I roll my eyes at him and turn my attention back to Wanda and Bucky.

"We have a plan to infiltrate the Red Room. It's pretty simple, take in the leaders blow the place to hell." I say hoping to get some input.

Bucky shakes his head in negative, "That wont work, anyone who has some form of importance has overly secure offices where they are the entire time unless they have a mission or... other things." Buck diverts his gaze to the floor, we all know what he means. "Besides how were you planning on getting in?"

Natasha answers before I can, "With a plan that's even stupider then the last one."

"It was your idea." I remind her.

"Doesn't mean I thought you were going to take it." She folds her arms across her chest.

"Do you have a better idea?" I ask.


"We're doing it."

"We are not, doing it."

"Sorry to interrupt your little squabble but," Wanda interrupts us, "Are you going to tell us what this plan is or are you just going to tell us how stupid it is?"

Natasha opens her mouth to tell them her plan but I cut her off before she can say a single syllable. "I don't like it, Nat."

"Well you don't have to. But it's the only plan we have, Steve." She looks at me with many different emotions on her face.

"Doesn't mean it's a good plan."

"The plan is fine, Steve."

"The plan is going to get you killed."

"Oh then I'm with Steve on this one, Nat. Sorry." Wanda chimes in, my head snaps in her direction. I forgot the others are in here.

"She's right, Natasha." Fury walks into the room with Maria, when did she get here? "We can't risk losing you."

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